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"Baby you light up my world like no body else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed! But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know Oh Oh! You don't know your beautiful!" I sang to my favourite band, One Direction getting ready to go downstairs to meet Little Mix!

They are coming here to, London Orphanage. I can't wait! I love them too. And Perrie is dating Zayn of One Direction. I wish I could but I don't even know them. Lucky Duck!

Oh well, I guess I should explain my life and introduce my self so you know right? YES MA'AM! Well here it goes,

I'm Elizabeth Barnes! I am 15 years old! Some times I might act like a child but, what the heck, YOLO! I like to sing, dance and eat. I eat a lot but I never get fat. Metabolism. I like to play football, skateboard and bike! I am the second oldest here everyone else is under 12. The only person older then me is Tyler. He is 16 and we are like best friends! He is very good looking! He has light brown hair that is like Justin Biebers' old hair, but better. Tan skin, Blue eyes, 6'0'' and he has a six pack and lots of arm muscle. He came here 2 years ago.

Anyways more about me. I came here when I was 6 years old. So 9 years ago. My parents were drug addicts so I got token away and put here. I was going to go with my mom's brother, Simon. So my uncle, but he works for a famous company and he didn't have enough time. I saw him and he told me he loved me and he would have taken me but at that time he was just so busy! He wrote some letters over the years and I wrote back, It was nice. So I have been here since. When I was little I was just to shy and quite, (hard to believe now!) so no one wanted to adopt me. And then I grew up and became louder and out going and such and now people don't want me because I'm to old.

It isn't so bad here though! They bought me a laptop and they are really nice! They got me my skateboards, bikes, clothes and more! They are super nice! I don't mind it here. Although, I do wish I had a family that I could say I love you to or hug them and have fun times! But I guess I'll just have to wait till the right person comes around!

"Liz, c'mon! Little Mix is here." Tyler said excited because he likes when people come here so he can talk to them and I don't even know. He is crazy!

"Comin! WEY HEY!" I yelled walking to the door slipping my purple and lime green snapback on and jumped on Tyler's back so he could carry me there. He began running down stairs to the lobby thing I guys you could say!

"TO NARNIA!" I yelled when we got down the stairs. Then I saw Little Mix standing there now staring at me and laughing a bit.

"Hello, I am Elizabeth, Elizabeth Barnes!" I said in a fake posh voice and they laughed harder and I jumped off of Tyler's back and walked over to shake their hands. I stuck it out but the hugged me instead.

"Hello love! How are you?" Perrie asked. ERH MAH GERD! I'M INNER SELF FANGIRLING! SORRY, NOT SORRY!

"Fine and you?" I asked with a big smile.

"Very good. You two are a cute couple," She said looking between Tyler and I. Him and I started laughing hysterically and the girls all just looked puzzled. Probably because we were rolling on the ground crying from laughing so hard.

Once I calmed myself and could talk I said, " We aren't dating. We are bestestestestestest friends!"

"Oh, sorry!" Perrie said with a embarrassed smile. I just waved her off.

"It's fine!" I replied.

We talked and got to know each other and then Leigh-Anne asked the question I was hoping wouldn't come up.

"So how long have you been in here? And why are you in here if you don't mind me asking?" Leigh-Anne said a bit nervous about our reactions.

"Umm I've been here 9 years. I came here when I was 6 because my parents were drug addicts so I got token away. I was going to go with my uncle Simon but he works for a very busy and popular company. He told me he would take me with him but he was just so busy at the time. He didn't really have time. But before he left to go back to Manchester and I came here he told me he loved me and no matter what I would end up in good hands. He sent me letters and still does sometimes but not as much. He said he is just getting busier and stuff. So here I am. London Orphanage." I said now crying. I always get touchy at that subject.

They all gave me a hug and I cried into their shoulders. Once I finished crying Tyler explained his story. It wasn't as sad but it still hurt him sometimes but, he didn't like his parents that's why he's here. He ran away because he wasn't like his brother Ben. Ben was the good one. He was perfect. Smart, Handsome, Talented and very wise. His parents paid more attention to him because they hade hope in Ben to become successful in life while Tyler had no idea what to do with his life.

We all talked a bit more before they had to leave and I went back to my room. I went to bed because I was extremely tired! I fell into an amazing dream filled sleep about Perrie and and the girls cheering me up here in the orphanage and stuff.

I woke up the next morning and turned on my music to listen to while I was brushing my hair. I was singing Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars when all of a sudden Tyler bursted in with a huge smile on his face.

"You have no idea what is happening to you!! Your going to love it. C'MON!" He yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs. I couldn't believe what I saw!!!


There is the prologue!!!! Tell me what you think! VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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