Chapter 6

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"Are you alright?" Louis said after he ran over to me.

"I'm fine Lou!" I said and gave him a hug.

"I'm really sorry Liz!" Louis whispered in my ear.

"It's fine Louis!" I said, "They said I have two broken ribs but their not that bad so they should be healed in a month or so."

"B-broken?" Louis asked staring into the distance.

"Yes but their not that bad. Can we go to the bus now?" I asked

"Yea, let's go." Dad said and took my right hand.

We started walking and then we hopped into the elevator.

"So you have to wear that arm thing for the whole month?" Harry asked

"Yep. Just not when I shower and when I sleep I have to sleep on my right side which will be really hard since I sleep on my left." I said and chuckled a bit.

"That sucks but good thing it isn't too bad and it will only be a month." Niall said.

"Yep! I've felt worse so I'm all good!" I said and smiled.

The doors dinged signaling us we were at the first floor.

We all walked out and got back to the bus. Dad and Niall went to go make some food. Liam and Harry went to pick out some movies from the shelf in the front and it was just me and Louis in the lounge room.

He still looked incredibly sad.

"Lou, would you stop being sad?" I asked him nudging him with my right elbow.

"I just feel so bad. I kicked you and broke two of your ribs and I just didn't care I hurt you when I was sleeping. I feel bad. Like I don't even know." He said rubbing his face with his hands.

"I'm fine Lou. It sucks seeing you sad! Your usually the one to pick us up and make us laugh!" I said giving him a one armed hug.

"I guess your right. But I still feel bad!" He added

"Alright. Now these boys need to hurry before I go and beat them!" I said and Louis laughed.

We sat there for like 10 minutes talking about what's better, Carrots or Chocolate. I pick chocolate! Yum!

"Ok we have some movies and food!" Dad said coming in with a plate of sandwiches of it and Niall cam with 3 bags of candy and I immediately took the gummy worms.

"Aww, why do you get the gummy worms?" Harry asked.

"Uhh, cause. I said so!" I said in a duh tone and he just pouted and sat down on the left side of the couch.

"I can share?" I asked give him a smile.

"Yay! Come here!" He said and I got up and sat beside but he lifted me and put me on his lap and kissed my cheek.

"What movie guys?" Liam asked looking at us all.

"Grease!" Niall yelled.

"No, umm how about Pitch Perfect?" I asked.

"Oh my god, yes!" Louis said jumping up and dancing.

"Ok, Pitch Perfect it is" Liam said rolling his eyes at Louis and putting the movie in.

They all took a seat and I was sitting in between Harry's legs with my head on his chest and his head resting on mine with his arms around my waist and both our feet up on the couch.

Dad was beside us and then Liam, Louis and Niall.

Harry kissed the top of my head and I turned around and brushed my lips against his and turned back around. I like teasing him. It's funny.

"Oh you don't want to do that babe." Harry whispered in my ear

"And why is that?" I ask him

"I-I umm-" Harry stammered

"That's what I thought." I said and turned back to the movie.

We were at the part where Jesse and Becca were watching The Breakfast Club. They are so adorable.

"They are the cutest couple ever!" I screeched.

"They are pretty cute!" Niall said

"What about us?" Harry asked me.

"Umm, both people in the relationship have to be cute and I'm not cute." I said in a duh tone

"Your cute!" Harry exclaimed.

"Puh-lease!" I said.

"You are!" He said turning me around so my legs were over his legs.

"You're cute Liz!" Niall said

"Thank you Niall!" Harry said.

"Not going to lie mate!" Niall replied.

"See we think your cute and us 5 guys got the best taste in the world." Harry said. I scoffed.

The funny thing is, look at what that girl looked like at the restaurant that flirted with Liam.

The thought just infuriated me so I left the room I went to my bunk and lied down. I closed the curtain and faced the wall since I was on my right side.

"Liz, are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Fine." I said and I felt him come up on my bunk and shut the curtain again.

"You just stormed out of the lounge and you don't sound fine. Look at me." Harry said

"I can't." I stated, "My ribs."

Good excuse although it is true!

"Well, can you at least tell me what's wrong. I know there's something!" He asked putting his arm around my waist and nuzzling his face in my neck leaving wet kisses there.

"Fine. When you said you all have good taste it reminded me of when the girl at the restaurant flirted with Liam and that's part of what caused us to break up." I said to him then sighing.

"You still like him. Don't you?" He asked sadly.

"No, he hurt me too much Harry. That's why I got mad. It hurt." I said frowning.

"Ok, but I don't want you too be sad so if you want I can walk in there and beat him up?" Harry asked.

"No! He's one of your best mates and we made up." I said

"Ok, well do you want to go watch the rest of the movie?" He asked.

"No, I just want to sleep I'm tired." I said

"Ok, then can you move over so I can be near the wall?" He asked politely.

"Yea." I said and scooted over and he crawled over me carefully. He pulled my body into his and started kissing my jaw line and cheeks. The odd time my lips.

I decided I would surprise him. I smashed my lips to his and as I planned he was surprised.

He kissed back and swiped his tongue against my lip and I granted him entrance. He is the best kisser ever!

Full pink, soft lips. They tasted minty. I couldn't ask for a better guy.

"I love you." God! I'm stupid! Why did I let that slip. He wont say it back and I'll be sad and I then we will break-

"I love you too babe." He replied and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I smiled and pecked his lips before resting my head on his shoulder and going to sleep.

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