Chapter 4

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"So, how about we go out to dinner? I'm too lazy to cook!" Dad said

"Sure!" We all said and stood up. Liam grabbed my hand and we began walking to the elevator with the boys in front of us.

"When do we have that interview with Allen Carr?" Louis asked

"Uhm, tomorrow!" Niall said.

"Ok, well what are we going to do about these two? Go public or stay private?" Louis asked the boys.

"Well, let them decide! Liz you know that if you two go public there will be hate but if you stay private you can't be all lovey outside of hotel rooms or where no one can see you guys." Dad said.

"I don't mind going public. The things you guys said to me that first day made me believe they are just jealous! So Liam what about you?" I said looking up at him. He looked down at me.

"I want to stay private." He said putting his lips into a tight line.

"Oh ok. We'll stay private then?" I said but it came out more like a question. Why doesn't he want to go public? Is he embarrassed to be with me? Probably! No one wants to go out in public dating a girl like me. Ugly, boring, gross, hideous. Just like the fans said!

"Ok, so you guys can't hold hands or anything like that then!" Dad said.

"No problem." I said dropping Liams hand before we walked out of the elevator

"Ok, well stay right by my side!" Dad said pulling me close to him.

We got to the van and Dad hopped in the driver side and Louis in the passenger side. Liam jumped in and I jumped in but went to the seats in the very back so I could sit by myself. I didn't want to sit with Liam or anyone right now. I'm still wondering why Liam didn't want to go public.

Soon enough we parked at Nandos. Everyone got out and I got out last and shut the door and walked over to Dad and Louis. The rest of the boys followed. I'm kind of mad right now. I want to go public because I want to be able to hold his hands and kiss him out in public and because I care about him and I want them to know he's mine and he doesn't want to. Doesn't want anyone to know he's taken and urg. This whole thing is just. Confusing!

The waitress led us to a booth in the back. I sat in the inside beside Dad and beside dad was Louis. On the other side Liam sat on the outside then Niall then Harry.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She asked then winking at Liam. Whatever. Don't care at the moment.

"Umm, 3 Perri Perri Chickens, 1 Fettuccini Alfredo and 2 chicken Caesar salads." Dad said.

"Sure thing. It will be here soon." She said walking away but not before rubbing her hand up Liam's arm. See this is why I want to go public also! Nobody would flirt with him like that because they know we're going out! Liam was now blushing and smiling like crazy.

"So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Well, we have that interview at 12:00 and then we could go to the movies or shopping?" Dad said.

"Sounds cool. What about you guys?" Niall asked all they guys said yea and I just kept reading the menu. "Liz! Is that ok with you?"

"Yea. Whatever!" I said not looking at anyone. I sounded kind of rude but they just carried on talking to each other.

"Here's your food." The flirty waitress said coming back with our food. She handed them to the right person. She made sure to give Liam his last and she bent down to put his down. Practically shoving her boobs in his face. He just stared and smiled! Wow. Just. Wow.

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