Flying with Felix

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Hi, before you begin reading the first chapter, I just want to say Thank you. Thank you just for clicking on this story, you have no idea how much it means to me. This is my first time ever uploading on Wattpad or any place similar. If you have any suggestions, find any mistakes, want to tell me you love it- heck even if you want to tell me you hate it, please comment or leave a message on my profile. I hope you have as much fun reading it as i had writing it. I'd love to know what you think. If you guys like it i'll keep going, this first bit is to just see people's response, but if even one person wants to keep reading, i'll keep writing. Stay awesome, Zoe xxx

P.S FELIX >>>>>>>>>>>>

P.P.S. Thankyou to me_pauie_soloflyt, WickedObsession, MusicGirl98, LiVyLoU2626, WritingNinja and Lostproject for 6 amazing covers which i can't choose between.


Beep. Beep. Beeeeep. I groan and throw my pillow at the general direction of my alarm cloak. Nothing happens. I was never a good aim, I think as I stumble out of bed grumbling. I need to get out of my holiday habits of sleeping in until 10. I make a mental note to go to bed earlier as I get ready for school.

"Are you excited to go back?" Mum asks as she's stirring her 'I-can't-function-until-i-have-my-morning-coffee' coffee. I pause.

"Yeah, I am actually. Who would've thought, even with you and Dad there, that taking a month off school would be so boring?" I say smiling. Mum and Dad are both school teachers, so my holiday- if you could even call it that- was not free from school work. Mum laughs throwing her head back, her blonde hair draping down her back. "Have fun at school, sweetie!" She calls at my back as I rush out the door.

I walk in to the familiar halls and I really am glad to be back. I see my best friend near my locker, waiting for me. I laugh as Sam almost tackles me to the ground.

"You saw me yesterday!" I point out to her, torn between exasperation and amusement- the two main things I feel when I’m around her. Amusement wins out when I see the expression on her face.

"But I haven’t seen you in school in like, ever!" She sighs heavily. "There's a difference Bails. A huge difference." She says like I should understand this, slight frustration in her voice.

"I wasn't even gone for 2 months." I say rolling my eyes at her.

"A lot of things can happen in 2 months," She begins with a sly smile. "Even in Smithfield." I open my mouth about to ask her what some of these things were when the bell rings.

"Oh shoot, I have to go get my timetable. Hopefully I’ll see you soon" I grimace.

I enter the office and line up with all the new students. It's almost 10 minutes later when I’m called up.

"Bailey, sweetie, welcome back! How was your holiday?" asks Mrs Rowe, a large middle aged woman with a nice eyes.

"It was good, thanks, but I’m glad to be back." She smiles and hands me my timetable and I make my way to- urgh maths. First thing on a Monday. I can't deal with maths first thing in the week. I grumble as I - slowly- make my way to room 44.

After stumbling through maths only half awake and only half listening I check my timetable again. English. Now that’s more my style. I take my usual seat in the middle and get started on the booklets Mr Donaldson’s handing out. 

It’s a while before I’m interrupted from my work with a loud: "Hey Mr D!" I look up to see a very good looking boy wearing bright pink sunglasses atop a mess of dark, curly hair, grinning madly, looking like he's about to walk into a music festival, not a class he's over 20 minutes late for. Mr Donaldson clears his throat.

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