Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Emaan

Hey, i hope you enjoy it! This chapter is dedicated to Emaan for being wubbulous! Tell me what you think! Bailey on the side: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


"I’m so sorry." I say for the hundredth time.

"I’m okay. It wasn’t as hard as you think it was." He laughs, but I can tell he’s lying. I almost died when I realized it was him I hit in the head with the tennis racket. There I was trying to whack the ball with all my might, when Felix came up to help me with my ‘technique’. I only hit one thing today and it wasn’t a ball.

"I hope I haven’t damaged your brain or something." I worry. "Quick, what’s two + two?"

"Four." He pauses for a second and laughs. "If anything, it’s made me smarter." We walk in silence for a bit before:

"I really am so-" He turns and puts one hand on my shoulder and the over covering my mouth.

"Don't finish that sentence. I'm warning you Anderson. It. Didn't.Hurt. Okay?" I nod, but he still doesn't move his hand, so, like any normal person would, I lick it.

"Ew!" He takes his hand off wiping it on his shirt. "Did you just lick me?" He asks, incredulous.

"Yeah, I did." He narrows his eyes.

"Oh you are so going to get it!" He threatens, starting to move slowly towards me. My eyes widen and I start backing away. His eyes twinkle with a mischivous I havent seen before. I barely have time to note that it's a good look on him, before he jumps on me, pulling us both to the ground. I squeal loudly and he laughs. Pretty soon we're both hooting with laughter on the ground. When the laughter dies down, I am all too aware that Felix is still on top of me. His body pressing down on mine.

For once Felix doesn’t have his signature grin plastered on his face. It’s like there’s an electric current between us. I want nothing more than to touch his face, kiss him. Something, anything. I realize how close our faces are and I really hope I’m not imagining them moving even closer. This is the first time I’ve seen him up close without his sunglasses on and his eyes are the prettiest green colour, I can’t believe I didn’t notice earlier.

"Your eyes are green." I blurt out, successfully ruining the moment. I can feel my face heat up. He’s probably thinking No shit, Sherlock. Like I don’t know what colour my eyes are. But he just laughs. He pushes himself up off of me, brushing down his shirt. He extends his hand and helps heave me up.

"I’ll see you tomorrow, Bailey." He calls out, walking towards the car park. I don’t say anything back. I think I’ve lost the ability to speak.

The next few weeks pass without me embarrassing myself too much again and also without any more ‘moments’ between Felix and me. I find out I have quite a few classes with Felix. It’s Tuesday of the third week since I came back before anything really happens.

Felix and I walk out of class, both laughing our heads off. I’ve learnt a lot about Felix in the last few weeks. Like the fact that he knows how to play numerous instruments; guitar, piano, ukulele, banjo, drums and the didgeridoo- and those are only the ones I’ve seen him with- there could very well be more. How he eats ice cream with a fork. That he is terrified of clowns. How he sings in his sleep (He falls asleep in science on a regular basis ) and how he thinks the perfume I wear smells like sunshine. Another thing I learnt about Felix: He tells the most absurd, hilarious stories. He claims that they are all 100% true, but I doubt it. He’s famous around the school for swapping stories for a dollar and I know more than one person who has gone without lunch to hear one.

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