So close

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Krystal's POV

'Woah, this is so great Amber. I like it. ' I said happily as we reach at the top of the mountain. I can see everything below me. A sky tower, house, building and the others nature. I take a deep breath and close my eyes to feel the wind blow softly through my skin. 'Do you remember this place? ' suddenly Amber asked beside me. 'This place? No, why? ' I asked with confuse face. I think I never been here before.

'Come, I show you something. ' she hold my hand softly and intertwined our hand. Her warm hand fit perfectly into mine. I felt a tingled in my heart. I look deeply at our intertwined hand until not realized that we had stop a minute ago. 'Look there.' I look at her pointed finger and saw a small penthouse on the tree that was decorate nicely and it seem still look new even though it made from wood many years ago. Suddenly, something hit my mind.


10 years ago

'Krystal look I found something. ' a 15 years old boyish girl shouted to her panting friend. 'Amber wait. What.. ' the beautiful girl was stunned by what her best friend found. 'Amber, don't. You even did not know the owner is. ' she prevent the boyish girl from getting up to the penthouse on the tree. 'Relax Krys, there's nobody here. Come use this stairs. ' the boyish girl asked her best friend to join her. At first,she was hesitated but looking at her excited face make she excited too.

'Wow, it nice. ' she said while amuse with that penthouse. 'See, I told you. Come here, you can see everything from here. ' she drag the girl beside her and both of them enjoy the view together. The boyish girl who is named Amber look around the tree house and found something that can curve a bark of tree. 'What are you doing? ' 'I curve our name. So, next time we will remember this. ' 'AMBER AND KRYSTAL BEST FRIEND FOREVER' Krystal read slowly the word that Amber curve and smile widely at their friendship.

'Amber.. umpph. ' Krystal was shocked by Amber sudden action as she kiss her right on her lips. After a second she aparted the kiss and Krystal still in shocked state. 'It a sign of my love to you. I love you as my best friend and I want you remember that I will never leave you alone. Never. ' she looked deeply into her best friend eye. They stare each other for a long time until someone shouted their name.

'AMBER! KRYSTAL! Where are you? Get down. We heading back. Faster it late already.' and old Liu shouted for her daughter name and her best friend daughter name.


'Oh my god Amber. You still remember this place. ' I said amusedly. 'Of course I do. This is the place where I let go of my first kiss.' she said without looking at me and I think my cheeks were red out of embarrassment.

'Come on' she shoved her hand to me and I gladly take it. She lead me to the penthouse and make a first step to the stairs one by one. I followed her carefully. As I enter the penthouse I was gasped by the decoration in the penthouse. I saw a big banner which is wrote 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED WIFE JUNG SOOJUNG' with hand written. The wooden was paint with its original colour which is brown tree maintain her root. There was a table which is full of dishes. Meat, cake, salad, pudding, mango juice and snacks. It like a buffet.

'OMO Amber, are you doing all this?' I asked while my eyes still widen with the party surprised that she made for me. 'Yup, don't worry. Today is your day. I will be your chef today. I used an old school style. I will cook this meat in my way. ' she said while turn off that mini stove on the table. 'Sit here. ' she said while pointed a seat opposite to her. I was still in my disbelief state. Wow, she so romantic. She never do this to me. As long we knew each other we will only celebrate my birthday in my house or at restaurant that she booked. Today was different. I can feel the differences. I was too excited with this surprised. I took a sit opposite to her and look all the food that she prepared for me.

'Let's cut the cake' she take the cake and put it front of me. Then, suddenly she sing a happy birthday song for me. I looked at her eyes and my eyes start to watery, I was moved by her effort. 'Now, make a wish and blow the candle' I closed my eyes slowly and make a wish in my heart. I opened my eyes and blow the candle slowly. Without I realised a warming liquid fell from my eyes. Suddenly, a finger wiping my tears. I look at Amber and she staring deeply into my eyes. I also look deeply into her hazel brown eyes 'Krystal, happy birthday. I hope we can last longer and I want you to know I will never leave you alone. Never, I promise. Don't cry anymore. You know what I had promise your sister to not make you cry. If she find out you crying she will strangle me until I die and then who will take care of you. ' I chuckling at her last word. I want to say something but it didn't want get out from my mouth. 'Okay, now let's eat' she said happily while clap her hand bringing the mood brighten.

Amber's POV

Ahh.... Today is the best moment I had with her. Have her beside me, eat together and sit side by side like a real couple made my heart feel fluffy. Now, we were on the top of mountain admiring the scenery below us. I was so breath taking. I take a deep breath and closed my eyes to feel what I want feel today. I opened my eyes and saw my princess do the same thing like me. She closed her eyes while widen her arm to feel the fresh air. I was stunned by her beauty. How can I not realised her beauty before this. How can I fall in love with someone else instead of her who is always beside me through thick and thin. I was like star truck bye her kindness. Suddenly I have an urge to kiss her. I lean my face to her and tried to kiss her cheek but suddenly 'Ouch! ' her hand hit the bridge of my nose while she spread her hand. I covered my nose with my hand. 'OMO Amber are you okay? ' she asked worriedly. Shit it was so close. I mumbled alone while hit the ground. 'What did you said?' she asked 'Uh... nothing.' I give her my awkward smile.

'Amber, can we stay longer. I want to look at the sunset. ' she said happily. 'Of course. ' As we admiring the scenery around us I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I looking at her and she happily rest her head on my shoulder. 'BA DUMP! BA DUMP! ' again my heart was beating faster. I just hope she didn't hear it or else it will be a shame for me. We let the time swallow our moment. Ah.. I have an idea. I fished out my phone 'Say cheese. ' I snapped a picture of us while her head still on my shoulder. 'Yah, let me see. ' she took my phone and a smile curved on her face by looking at our picture. Oh my god, can I stop the time because I want see her smile every second like this and I can't hold it anymore. I stroke her hair and kiss her deeply. She seem shocked with my action but still managed to reply my kiss and after a second she aparted our lips and said shyly while bite her lower lip. 'Emm.. Amber let's go back home .It late already. ' She getting up from her seat quickly and heading to our car. I could see her face was red like a tomato. 'Yes!! Amber good job. One point for you! ' I said while punch my hand in the air. It was a nice start when she replied my kiss. I proudly getting up and heading to my car happily with a big grin across my face.

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