Forming Friendships

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This was madness. In the game the TITAN creature's showed no personality, they were nothing but angry monsters with an appetite for destruction. But with Freddie, Filly swore that she heard him manically laughing at her, even the animalistic roars and screeches were filled with blood thirsty intent. Like a bull in a cartoon show it ran its right foot along the worn rocks and dust and charged.

She'd give anything to have a few more batarangs in her pocket but she was going to have to come up with her own way to take down her TITAN. Mindless monsters were easy to trick into cages and traps but one swipe of its hand could be game over for Filly. TITAN Freddie came at her again but she easily dodged him but his focus wasn't lost for long, he got ready to take another run.

Looking frantically around her she hunted for something to throw at him but he was wasting no time and rushed towards her. In a panic she huddled herself into a ball and waited for the impact. The monster got easily confused and tripped over Filly and fell with an almighty thud on the ground. She silently screamed in triumph but she knew that he wouldn't be down for long; from the statue she managed to pull out a brick just as it was getting back to its feet.

Shaking its head in a rage of annonyance Filly squinted her eyes together and tried to get some sort of a aim and threw the brick, it hit the side of the monsters head and oh it didn't like that. TITAN Freddie stopped it's grunting fury and stared straight at her confused, the little creature had attacked him and it hurt his hurricane mad mind as he tried to figure out why she wasn't submitting to her pending doom.

"Bring it on you ugly fuck."

Throwing another brick at the monster, the time around her slowed down the TITAN did what it usually did in the game, it roared and clutched his face, it banged into the statute and she took her moment to strike him. Punch after punch she put all her strength into wounding her opponent but her power soon cracked under the TITAN monster's strong attack. Jumping out of the way at every moment she tried the same technique three more times but Freddie showed no sign of weakness.

It was clear that no matter what she did to the creature he wasn't going to be defeated any time soon. She dashed towards the edge of the cliff and quickly spun round to see what the monster was doing; it was running towards her fully determined to devour her. Filly bent down slightly preparing herself to jump over the TITAN, when he was close enough she scattered dust into the air to blind him, she jumped at the last second and landed back onto the ground safety. In the small dust storm she peered into it and saw TITAN Freddie twisting and turning, he was so close to the edge one wrong step and he'd fall into the sea. The fight had to end, Filly took her turn to charge, no punch would knock him over, she collided with the monster and he toppled over the side, her feet remained on the edge and she couldn't help but cry out in success but it was short lived.

The TITAN monster managed to reach out and grab hold of her arm, he smashed his hand down on to the ground bringing Filly down and dragging her half off the cliff edge. Trapped in the painful grip she had no choice but to fall into the crashing waters below.

Her arms thrashed about willing her power to make the experience somehow better, she managed to see Batman who was in the distance running towards her, but the colossal monster's weight was just too much. Her fingertips slid off the edge just as Batman's black gloved hand reached out but the fall was fast, though her vision was failing she noticed that the Dark Knight had tried grabbing her with his batclaw but before it could get close she began drowning.

The Arkham sea was a lot kinder to her as the waves carried her to the surface but for TITAN Freddie the waters thrashed and pulled him down. Once able to take a breath of the cold ocean air Filly began to swim around the island hoping that there would be a cave or something to pull herself up on to a ledge. Swimming around to the other side of Arkham East there was a small stony shore that she swam over to and rested on. The sharp rock edges pierced into her clothing and ripped some of the material getting through to her flesh and slitting her skin. The pain was the last thing on her mind though, although TITAN Freddie might have fallen further into the water she wasn't waiting around to see if he swam up to the surface.

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