Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Becca's Pov

"He could at least respect dinner time." Dad said as soon as Bella walked in the door. I was sitting in the living room with him watching the latest baseball game when we heard her walking up to the house. He rushed to meet her at the door.

"I was with Jake." She replied. Dad's angry expression melted off his face. While jealously and anger filled mine. I quickly turned away so neither of them could see it. She already had a guy, she didn't need two. Embry informed me about Jake's little crush on my sister. His crush crushed my heart, if I'm being completely honest. She has Edward, she can't have him too.

'Not my Jake.' My subconscious whispered but I quickly shook the thought out of my head. What Jake and I had is long gone. He might be my first love, but I doubt it would happen again. Though, I might not mind. No bad Becca. Stop with these thoughts.

"Hmm, I really expected her to be with Edward." Dad said coming to sit back next to me on the couch. I sighed quietly. I mean I'm not that surprised. She did leave school with Jake. Of course she didn't show back up but I really expected her to make her way to Edward's house. It was about 9:30 and since she's off her eternal punishment, she has the right to be wherever whenever she wants.

"Yeah." I said quietly, looking at the to but not really watching it. Jake was on the brain. With his stupid face, and stupid smile, and his new gorgeous body. It makes me want to punch him but it also makes me want to kiss him.

When was the last time we even kissed? I think it was winter break of my sophomore year of high school. I wonder if he's gotten better since then? What has it been 2, almost 3 years. I remember when we used to explore the woods in La Push. We also spent a lot of time at the cliffs where people cliff dive. I really miss those times.

"Rebecca!" I heard someone say loudly. I turned to see Dad giving me a worried face.

"I'm alright, just thinking." I said trying to ease his worry. It didn't seem to work much.

"I tried calling your name a few times. Are you sure you're fine? Were you thinking about him?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No, about Jake. Just how we used to be when we were younger. I promise I'm fine." I replied.

"Okay, well I was gonna tell you that I'm heading upstairs soon." He said and I nodded my head. I stood up and stretched.

"Yes, I think I'm gonna head up now." I said mad kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow Dad." I said and headed up the stairs. I got to my room and opened my laptop. I started reading some summaries of fanfiction and other fiction stories on Wattpad when a video call notification popped up on my screen. Wolfboy_Em was the user name. I answered curious to who this person was. Embry's face popped up on the screen.

"Dude, Wolfboy_Em? What's with the name change?" I asked him with a laugh. He responded with a deep laugh. "Em, chill. It's not that funny." I chuckle.

"I just really like wolves now." He said with this smirk on his face. I shake my head at his silliness.

"Does that mean I can't call you Kitty anymore?" I asked him with a sly smile.

"Definitely not, Boo." He responded. We used to always watch Monster's INC, so those were nicknames we called each other as kids. "So what's up?"

"Wattpad, of course!" I said with a laugh. Wattpad is all I do. It is my life. "I'm trying to decide between a vampire and a werewolf story."

"Werewolf." Embry said quickly, making me chuckle again.

"How are you, Kitty?" I asked him, laughing as his face scrunched up.

"I'm better now that I see your face babe." Embry said with a wink making me have a short burst of laughter.

"Always a charming flirt, I see." I responded, "So my sister just got back from your neck in the woods."

"I know. We had a bonfire tonight and Jake brought her." Embry said. I looked at him angrily.

"There was a bonfire and you didn't bring me?" I asked angrily. Bonfires used to be my favorite things. I loved hearing the legends. They were so beautiful.

"It was supposed to be Pack, I mean tribe only but he brought her and Billy was already about to start. Embry explained. I thought about him saying pack. What does he mean by that?

"Oh." I said and looked at my hands. Embry sighed because he knew how I felt about Jake.

"Beck, he'll come around." Embry said.

"And what if he doesn't Em?" I asked, "It was easy to forget my feelings in Phoenix. Then I had Jam-Jamie. Now I'm back here, Jamie is de-gone. My feelings for Jake are starting to rekindle and quick. I would be naïve if I didn't notice he likes my sister. I'd be stupid if I thought I had a chance against Bella anyway." I said to my best friend.

I could see anger and sadness grace his face. I know he doesn't like seeing me like this. So upset and negative toward myself. It's the truth though. I lost him to Bella and there is no changing that, though I'd like to.

"I'll talk to him." Embry said.

"Em, really, there is no point. Why push something that will never be?" I ask him.

"Beck," He started but a howl interrupted him. He looked toward the window and sighed, "Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. I love you okay, don't be so negative toward yourself." He said and ended the call. Was that a wolf howl?

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself and closed my laptop. I got on and fell back on my bed. A cold breeze swept across my body. Why the hell is the window open? I don't remember opening it.

"Becca." I heard a voice say. Nope hell to the no. I'm not on the mood to be dealing with any ghosts or crap like that. "Becca."

There the voice was again, it kinda sounded like it was coming from outside but that didn't make any sense.

"I'm just gonna get up and close the window. You can do this Becca. No ghosts are gonna get you today." I whispered to myself, trying to motivate me. I took a deep breath and rushed to the window. Before I could close it, I noticed a person standing outside. I looked in confusion. They were looking down at the ground.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself again. They were standing at the tree line. They looked up and I held my heart jump into my throat. Tears filled my eyes and I covered my mouth. That looked just like Jamie, but that couldn't be. Jamie is gone. Jamie left and isn't coming back. In a blink of an eye, the forest guy was right outside the window instead of by the tree line.

My eyes widened and I screeched and tried to reach the door. I ended up tripping and hitting my head very hard against my hardwood floor. I faintly heard my dad yelling and asking if I was alright, but all I could do was look at Jamie's doppelgänger as he walked closer to me. My vision blurred and soon everything went black.


Okay, Chapter Six is finally complete. Hopefully since it's summertime, I'll be able to update more.

What do you think? Like this or the Original better? Let me know in the comments.


You are beautiful and deserve the world!

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