Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Becca's POV

I was on my way home from La Push. I've spent the day hanging out with Embry and his new group of friends. They were pretty cool people, except Quil. He is still the little nerd he always was, but I loved him just the same. Thankfully, no one brought up Jake. Which, might have killed me. I'm not to sure how to react him running out. It was like he was angry I was back. I mean, I know we haven't talked in a while but if anyone should be angry, it's me.

I pulled up to the house and automatically noticed two things. Dad wasn't home, because his patrol car was missing, and Bella had her boyfriend over. I could see his goddamn head through the window. Good job Bella, that's exactly how you get caught.

I got out of her truck and walked into the house. I smelt freshly cooked food but when I went into the kitchen it was empty. I opened the fridge to see a plate that had tinfoil over it. The word 'Dad' was written on top of the tinfoil. Okay Bells, we're gonna play that game. I can be childish too.

I walked upstairs to her door and knocked loudly. She didn't answer so I proceeded to talk to the closed door.

"Hey Bella, can you make me dinner?" I asked her. The door opened and an angry looking Bella peaked her head out.

"No, now go away." She said in a harsh tone.

"Well my stomach says otherwise. I mean I could always ask your boyfriend." I said and Bella glared at me. If looks could kill, I definitely wouldn't be alive right now.

"What do you want to eat?" She spat out in anger. I smirked at her.

"I think a sandwich would be nice." I said with a smug smile. Bella stormed past me, making sure we bumped shoulders.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Rebecca I am Edward." Her boyfriend said walking out of her room with a smile that some would consider charming.  Was he trying to dazzle me into liking him? I'm not that easy to impress.

"It's Becca, actually. Save the charming for Bella, because I'm not falling for it. I'm not that easy to impress. I'm going to go eat my sandwich. Have a goodnight, Mister McPaleness." I said and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Bella glared at me and set down my sandwich on the table.

"Here." She said and walked back toward the stairs.

"If you spit in it, I'll kill you in your sleep." I threatened her. She just rolled her eyes. She knew I wasn't serious. I grabbed my sandwich and went to the living room. I was surfing the channels while texting Matt from the airport back, confirming our shopping trip.

I had just finished my sandwich and was multitasking between playing games on my phone and switching channels. I was paying more attention to my phone than I was the tv. But then I heard something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I heard coming from the tv. My heart started pounding and tears filled my eyes. This was Jamie's favorite movie. We used to watch it together all the time. Though this movie made me sad, I couldn't find it in me to turn the channel.

"You've never been the type to cry over movies." I heard someone say, pulling my attention from the movie. Bella stood by the living room entrance.

"Well I've changed in the time that you left Phoenix." I replied to her, wiping my tear-soaked face.

"Yeah I've noticed." Bella mumbled to herself.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked her in a harsh tone. She just sighed heavily and came and sat next to me.

"You just seem sad." She said and instead of responding to her, I looked toward the television. It was at the scene where Peeta and Katniss kiss in the cave. My heart clenched in pain.

"This was Jamie's favorite part." I whispered. I could feel my hands shaking as I wiped more tears as they poured down my face.

"Whatever happened to him anyway? Was the break up that bad? All I know is that he left and you stole a car, had a high speed chase, and was put on probation. That you flipped out." Bella said, ripping the scab on my heart right open with duct tape.

"More like broke." I mumbled to myself. "Look I don't want to talk about it."

"Becca," Bella started but I quickly cut her off.

"Did the abdominal snowman leave?" I asked her, trying to change the subject. It worked because she instantly became flustered.

"Yeah, he went right past you. He even said bye to you, but you were too distracted." She said, obviously lying. She could never lie to me. The sound in her voice and the look in her face always gave her away. I was about to confront her about her lie, but Dad walked in the door.

"How are my two favorite girls?" He asked, sitting down his stuff. We gave him slight smiles. Bella took that as her lead to head back to her room. Dad came and sat next to me.

"Becca, have you been crying?" He asked me, holding onto my chin and getting a good look at it. I sighed and pulled away, looking back at the TV. The end of the movie was in, when Katniss and Peeta were about to eat those berries.

"I was thinking about Jamie." I said with a small forced smile. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry." He said. I pulled away and stood up.

"I think I'm gonna head upstairs and get some sleep." I didn't wait for a response and headed to my room. I climbed in bed and was out before my head hit the pillow.


Sorry it took so long to update. I haven't had the time to write anything. I'm hoping to have the next chapter up within the next two weeks.

Let me know what you think!


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