Chapter Three

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"Oh my god this is so dumb. None of these dresses are working" I whine and walk out of the dressing room.

We've been here since 2 PM and it's now 5. Jade's frustrated. I can tell.

We both decided the dresses look fine but they just aren't the right one.

"My god How hard can this be?" She sighs.

I walk a little out of where we were looking and I see a small rack of dresses. All the same type.

The dress is a black version of what Danielle wore with Liam.

I've always loved that dress. I flip through the dresses and grab the size 2 dress.

I walk back and show Jade.

"Sure. Try it" she says, exhausted.

I walk back into the room.

I slip on the dress and look in the mirror.

"Wow" I whisper

It looks amazing. The black works really well with my blonde hair.

It makes me look really good.

I look around at the shoes that are stacked up from the other dresses.

My eyes scan them quickly until they land on the strappy aqua blue stilettos.

Perfect. It'll make me a little taller.

I strap them on and walk out.

Jade gasps. "It's perfect Rae! Wow yes 100% this is it. Yay. And I love the shoes with it. It matches that necklace and earrings you have!!!"

"I know. It's perfect!" We both smile and I walk into change and leave.

One more night then I get to see Harry,



I sit in my family room with my older brother, mum, and dad: waiting for Eleanor to pick me up.

I have on the same thing the night I met Harry.

The door bell rings and I jump up to get it.

"EL!!!!!!" I scream as I see her

"RAE!!!" And she's gives me a big hug.

"Oh my gosh I'm so excited holy shizzzz" I say as my family comes over and my brother hands me my bag.

"I know lets go!!" She says excitedly

I give my mum, dad and brother quick hugs and follow Eleanor out the door

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