Chapter 1 - Good company

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"Solitude is better than an evil companion and a righteous companion is better than solitude..." 
- Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم

Choose your friends wisely, especially your high school friends. 
The friends you make can drastically change you, either for the better, or for the worst. Some friends can lead you in the wrong direction and be a bad influence. Don't do things that you are not comfortable with and don't do things just to fit in, especially if it is something that is against the commandments of Allaah Ta'aala; because of peer pressure you may land yourself in bad and haraam situations. 

If your friends are not a good influence and are not good role models, try your best to show them what is right. If you don't invite them to what is good, they will invite you to what is evil if you are unable to advise them to keep your distance from them. If you have righteous friends who encourage you to do good and remind you of Allaah Ta'aala and prohibit you from what is wrong, never let them go. Stay close to them, for friendship for the sake of Allaah Ta'aala never dies and helps your imaan rise. 


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he cafeteria of Johannesburg High School buzzed with chatter, as each of the students conversed with their respective groups, enjoying their short break before their classes resumed once again.

One group of boys amongst the many groups, sat around their table, discussing a topic that was commonly discussed amongst them. 

"Guys, guys! I can have any girl I want!" Imraan boasted to his friends. 

"Yeah, right!" Talha scoffed .

"Jealous now, are we?" Fayaaz nudged Talha in his rib and Talha rolled his eyes in response. 

"No man, Talha is just feeling down because he hasn't had a chic for a while." Imraan gave Talha a mocking smile. 

"Guys, seriously, for once, can you all discuss something besides girls at lunch break!" Suhaib sighed, irritated with the discussion that was going on for the last ten minutes. 

It seemed like his new friends had nothing else to discuss during break. 
Of course, guys were naturally attracted to girls, but the way they spoke about some girls began to annoy him.

He knew this topic would go into further discussions that he was not comfortable with. 

Suhaib scrunched his nose in disgust, recalling some of the things his friends discussed in the two months he got to know them. Not cool at all! 

The three boys laughed aloud on seeing Suhaib's disgusted expression, gaining the attention of many people in the cafeteria. 

Some looked at them amused, others with annoyed expressions and a few gave them bored looks and turned away. Everybody was used to the loud group of boys. Well, of course, Suhaib excluded. 

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