Lesson 31

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Author's Note: I updated tonight cause I won't be available tomorrow. Family affairs.


Avery Rain Santillan

"Oh my gosh! Sino sila? They're so adorable!" Natutuwang sigaw ni Amber.

Hindi ko na napansin ang pagdating nilang lahat. Everyone is inside my room now and playing with the three babies who are lying on my bed. I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling right now but this sight is breath taking. I don't know why but this is making my heart pound so fast. The coldness of the weather creeps inside my system as I force myself to digest the informations that are going on my mind right now.

I felt Kyron's hands on mine. Gaya ko, ang lamig din ng kamay niya. He must be feeling the same way I'm feeling right now. He's starting to become pale as every second passes by and were staring at each other.

"This can't be true right?" Tears streamed on my cheeks as I asked him that question. For sure, just like me, he doesn't have the answer to my questions.

"I-I don't know. Is this some kind of a joke?" Denial is evident on his tone. Even I, myself can't digest this information if this is true.

"Ay, nandito na po pala kayo ma'am. Akala ko po mamayang hapon pa po ang dating ninyo kaya dito po muna kami tumuloy." Mula sa banyo ay lumabas ang isang babae. Tingin ko nanny siya nung tatlong bata.

"It's fine po ate." Magiliw na sagot ni Amber. "What's their name po?"

Nakangiting lumapit si Ate sa kanila na nasa kama. "Etong nasa kanan, si Heindrix po yan. Etong nasa gitna, si Heinrich po. Yung nasa kaliwa, si Heinz po."

I gripped Kyron's hand tightly and turned my gaze to him. "Kyron..." He was staring at me like he'd seen a ghost.

Those names... those names were the names I wanted to name our children once they were born.

"Sweetheart, do you have any possible names in mind for the triplets?" He lovingly asked as we stare at the night sky at the terrace of the unit. He was hugging me from behind while rubbing his palms on my bulgy tummy. "I want to name them Ivan, Ives and Ian."

His question made my mind swam into deep thoughts; thinking of possible names for our three princes. We just finished our check-up earlier and we learned that we're expecting three boys! The joy of seeing our sons in a sonogram and learning that they're healthy is more than enough than anything else in this world.

A lot of names were coming inside my head but I don't know what to choose. I wanted to name them something unique yet I know they'll going to love their names when the time comes that they're old enough to protest their names. I wanted them to love their given names the way I loved my name, Avery Rain.

"Hmmm, I wanted to name them Heindrix, Heinrich and Heinz." I answered immediately as those names slipped on my mind.

"Huh? What's with the names with H?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "It just slipped my mind. It didn't have any meaning behind it."

He sighed. "I thought it was your first love's name. His name might started in letter H. That's why I thought."

I pinched his hands which is on my tummy. "Silly."

He laughed then rested his chin on my shoulder and hugged me closer to him. "How about we settle this. We'll name them Heindrix Ian, Heinrich Ives and Heinz Ivan?"

Her Deceitful AdonisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon