Lesson 38

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Author's Note: Pag-iisipan ko kung idedetalye ko yung last part. Depende siguro sa dami ng magrerequest! :)



Avery Rain Santillan

Everyone laughed the moment they saw me crying in front of them.

"The baby is crying guys! Lagot kayo! Pinaiyak niyo yung bata!" Pang-aasar ni Claudine sa akin.

I remained on the corner as covered the exposed part of my chest. Umupo ako sa sulok, malayo sa kung nasaan sila. I curled myself to avoid their gazes.

Their loud laughters were cut when someone entered the private room. I heard the door opened. I heard footsteps heading my direction. Mas nagsumiksik ako sa sulok ng kwarto para lang makaiwas sa taong yun. Ayoko na. Natatakot na ako sa pwede nilang gawin sa akin. Ayoko na.

"Fvcking shit! Avery!" Malakas na sigaw ng kung sino. From my peripheral vision, I can see someone's hands reaching me. I automatically flinched. My reaction stopped that someone from whatever he's planning to do to me.

"Avery... This is me. Sweetheart." Nang marinig ko yun, napaangat ako ng tingin. I saw Kyron's worried face. He opened his arms.

"KYRON!" I threw myself at his arms not minding the eyes around us. I don't care whatever they'll think about us. I feel safe in his arms.

He tightened his arms around me. "Hush now sweetheart. What did they do to you?" Nilayo niya muna ako sa kanya tsaka tinignan kung ayos lang ba ako. Nang makita niya kung anong nangyari sa blouse ko, hinubad niya ang coat niya tsaka isinuot sa akin. "Uuwi na tayo sweetheart, okey?"

Hindi na ako makapagsalita kaya napatango na lang ako. He got my bag and my things but before we leave the room, someone spoke. I think it was Rica.

"Wait, I don't get it. Di ba sir si Claudine ang girlfriend niyo? How come you're fetching Avery?" Tanong niya kay Kyron.

"That's the funniest drunk joke I ever heard Ms. Larazabal. Claudine is not my girlfriend and she never became one of my girlfriends. Avery is my girlfriend and my fiancé." He answered back.

Nakita ko kung paano silang lahat napanganga. Para rin silang tinakasan ng kulay sa narinig nila mula kay Kyron.

"Sweetheart, uwi na tayo. Ayoko na dito." Mahinang bulong ko kay Kyron para matawag ang atensyon niya.

Inakbayan niya ako saka inalalayan palabas ng videoke bar. His guards were lined outside the vicinity of the bar like they were guarding a very important person who happens to be inside of the establishment.

Inalalayan niya akong makasakay sa sasakyan niya pero nagtaka ako ng hindi pa siya sumakay. May kinausap pa siya sa telepono niya bago sila sumakay sa kanya-kanyang sasakyan.

"Anong ginawa mo? Sinong kinausap mo?"

He scooped me into his arms and made me sit on his lap. My instinct told me to rest my head on his broad shoulder.

"I asked your friends' profiles."

Napakunot naman ang noo ko dahil doon. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing." He simply answered but I knew better that his nothing tells me a lot more.

Kung may gana lang ako mag-usisa, kanina ko pa siya kinulit para malaman kung anong iniisip niya pero nakuntento ako sa pananahimik. Mas gusto kong nasa bisig niya lang ako at yakap-yakap niya. Iniyakap ko na lang ang braso ko sa leeg niya at yumukyok doon.

Her Deceitful AdonisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon