Extension or Epilogue?

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From the chapter title itself, it's quite obvious this isn't an update. Inuunahan ko lang kasi baka magkaroon ng violent reactions.

Okey, here's the thing. A lot were requesting (at least not complaining) to extend Her Deceitful Adonis. Ang sabi kasi, bitin (ilang beses ko bang nabasa sa comments yan?).

And upon reading my last chapter including my written epilogue, alam kong uulanin na naman ako ng "BITIN" comments.

So I was considering an extension for HDA but I'm quite hesitant at this one.

So I'll place the decision in your hands, my dear readers of Avery and Kyron.

EPILOGUE or EXTENSION (Extended version)?

Place your answer on the comments section and let's see everyone's decision!

Have a good day!


Her Deceitful AdonisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon