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Tonight is the Manager's Night. The party for the business management students of Hammerstein University. All of the third years and fourth years are in complete attendance for the said party.

The theme of the party is Masquerade. Everyone is required to wear a mask which is to be removed when it is announced.

One of the attendees is the famous Avery Rain Santillan. One of the Santillan Princesses. Their family had been into news and controversies that made them famous effortlessly. Everyone knows her.

Some hates her. Some loves her.

That's one reality of life she learned to accept and to live with as time passes by.

She doesn't have any real friends unlike her sister. All of them are just bunch of users who wants fame just like what she effortlessly have.

Famewhores. She hates them. She loathes them. She wants to send them to hell.

"Everyone! It's all the moment we've been waiting for. It's time for the last dance everyone has been talking about." The crowd went wild. "Chose your lucky partner for tonight."

The boys stood up and made their way to the girls they wanted to dance with. A lot went for Avery but she never entertained any of them. She doesn't like to dance.

Because dancing with them only meant one thing.

She has to spend the whole night with that guy.

That's one tradition on the Manager's Night. Whoever removed your mask will be your date for the party.

"Thirty seconds left guys. Better grab your partners fast and bring them to the dance floor." The masters of ceremony announced.

Loud buzzing and chatting of students filled the place. Everyone is busy grabbing their partners. Some gave flowers. Others gave chocolates. There are even some stupid people who prepared their proposals just to make the girl they want their date for this night.

"Ten seconds left!" The MC announced.

Avery smiled triumphantly as the time is running out but no one has been chosen to be her date.

It's not that she hates guys. It's just that, she's not interested at the moment.

"Nine ... Eight ..."

Avery was shocked when someone just stood in front of her and carried her all the way to the dance floor.

"Seven ... Six ... Five ..."

"Damn it! Who are you bastard?!" She shouted at him as the guy continued walking all the way to the center of the crowd.

"Four ... Three ..."

"First, it's not proper to call a stranger bastard. Second, if I asked you properly, would you say yes? And last, I am Yousef Kyron Salvatore." He answered her question.

"Two ... One ..."

He put her down. He looked straight into her eyes with a smile on his lips. "I guess you're my date for tonight milady." He grabbed her left hand then planted a swift kiss on it. "The pleasure is mine miss ...?"

"Times up people! Dance your chosen partners for one song for you to get to know them. We'll give you a signal when to remove their masks. Enjoy the night people!"

Avery was hypnotized by his eyes. Those dark brown eyes. She felt that this man can see everything in her. She's melting with his gaze.

The music started to play. A love song entitled If We Fall In Love by Yeng Constantino serenaded the dancers as they started to sway their way to the music.

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