Tea Parties and Skinny Jeans

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"Phil! Phil! Come have a tea party with us!" My little brother yelled, tugging on my arm to go outside.

"Okay, hold on." I agreed, dog earing the page I was on of the book I was reading.

Alexander drug me outside into the garden where there was a little picnic table set up for him and our neighbors daughter, Lucy. Lucy was sitting at the table, scolding her older brother about proper table etiquette.

"Daniel, you mustn't rest you elbows on the table, it's not proper!" The lecture ended when Lucy saw the two of us come around the corner of the hedge.

"Alex! You brought Phil!" Lucy exclaimed happily, jumping up to hug both of us.

I smiled and ruffled her hair, following them to the table and awkwardly sat down, trying to fold my long legs in. Dan looked miserable, Lucy must have gotten to him before dragging him over here. His hair was parted down the middle and he had a tie tied wrong around his neck. He gave me a look before I could even laugh, a look saying If you so much a chuckle, I will strangle you in your sleep. I shook my head and turned towards the two young children as they argued about whether or not you could put fish in tea.

"Why not?" Alex demanded.

"Because, fish in tea would be gross!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Fine." Alex grumbled.

"Philip! Switch me seats!" Lucy yelled at me.

"Why?" I asked, trying to figure out how both Dan and I would fit at one side of the table.

"Because, you and Daniel are going to be daddy and mummy, and Alexander and I are going to be children." She stated as if it were obvious.

"Okay." I sighed, struggling to get up out of my seat.

Lucy quickly moved, looking at me expectantly to sit down.

"Er..." I awkwardly sat down, squished against Dan.

They started an animated discussion about dogs, and I sighed, trying to sit comfortably.

"Ouch!" Dan yelled as I accidentally jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow.

"Sorry, sorry!" I exclaimed, my hands fluttering around uselessly, trying to find a way to help.

Lucy and Alex exchanged a mischievous look that no one wants to see on two nine year old son faces, and both stood up at the same time.

If it had been two people of the recommended age sitting at the table instead of us, maybe nothing would have happened, but because it was two lanky teenagers, both of which have pretty bad luck, the table flipped over onto us.

Dan and I knocked our heads together, both wincing and trying to move away.

Alex and Lucy were laughing like a pair of hyenas, jumping around ridiculously.

"How are we supposed to get out?" Dan asked, trying to scoot backwards and disentangle his legs.

"I have no clue, I'm pretty tangled up here." I laughed.

"Lucy! Lucy, help!" I laughed, craning my neck to search for the little devil.

"Nope, we're going to go play inside now, bye-bye!" I heard her laugh from somewhere on the other side of the table.

"Gah! The little brats." I laughed, turning my head to look at Dan. "I have an idea, but it will be uncomfortable for you."

"If it means us getting out, then by all means, go ahead." He laughed.

"Okay." I awkwardly scooted down a bit and twisted myself so that I was on my side, facing Dan.

With a grunt, I flopped over onto my stomach, and started to wriggle out of the table.

"Oh my god, you look ridiculous!" He burst out laughing.

"Oh, hush." I laughed, standing up in triumph. "At least I'm not stuck anymore."

"I'm sorry, please help!" Dan pleaded, giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll do anything! Please help me."

"Fine." I got on the other side of the table and reached over." Grab my hands, and I'm going to pull." I instructed. He did, and I pulled backwards, lifting him and righting the table.

"Thanks, mate, so, what do I owe you, a lifetime of servitude?" He asked, jokingly.

"Nope." I answered, sitting down across from him again.

"Homework for a month?"

"No, I actually want to pass my classes, Daniel." I joked.

"What do you want, then?"

"Close your eyes."

"If you give me a wet willy, I'll kill you."

"Don't worry, I'm not." I laughed leaning across the table. "Okay, open your eyes." I whispered.

He jumped a little, feeling my breath fan across his lips. Slowly, he opened his eyes, staring directly into mine. We sat like that for a moment, waiting for one of us to move. When his eyes strayed down to my lips, I smirked, biting my bottom lip lightly.

Dan sucked in a breath, "Phil." He murmured, looking back into my eyes.

He tilted his chin up and captured his my mouth with his. I closed my eyes, kissing him back. We kissed for a while, not really thinking of anything, until we were rudely interrupted.

"Ew, look, Lucy! Mummy and Daddy are kissing!" Alexander yelled, giggling.

We jumped apart, Dan looking flushed and embarrassed, I was sure that I looked the same.

The two children laughed it off and sat back down to continue the tea party, unaware of mine and Dan's skinny jeans tangled togetger under the table.

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