Chapter 7

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The morning alarm greeted you and you got up and stretched. Even though, you didn't have anything to do this morning, you still promptly got up at 7 'o clock. For the third day of the party, it was just a day of free time and many people left Baltigo for other islands to go shopping and whatnot. Since you not too familiar with the places, Koala invited you to go shopping at a nearby island and you accepted the invitation. She had also tried to invite Sabo, but he declined saying that he already had plans for the morning.

While you were picking out clothes, Koala told you about her story of how she joined the Revolutionary. Knowing about the hardships of slaves, you teared up when she mentioned being one for the Celestial Dragons.

"It's okay, (Name). That was in the past and without that, I would have never met people like Tiger-san and joined the Revolutionary Army." She picked a purple shirt. "Say~ what you do think of Sabo?"


"Come on! Don't be shy! You ended too soon last time! I noticed that you looked at him the first day and whenever he held you hand, you would always blush. So cute!" she squealed, "I ship you two!"

"E-eh?" Your face heated up and you quickly picked a (favorite color) shirt. "U-uh... what do you think of this one?"

Koala smirked, "Don't think that you can switch the topic on me! But, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. I won't pry."

"You kind of already did..."

Around the afternoon, after having lunch, Koala and you went back to the base and had a tea party in Koala's room with the sweets you had bought while shopping. Somehow Koala had headed back to the subject of Sabo. Again.

"So how did Sabo join the Revolutionary Army?" you asked, interrupting Koala. She seriously needs to stop being so persistent with the topic of you liking Sabo.

"What I heard was that he had got into an explosion had lost his memories because of that." You nodded for her to go on.

"He was quiet at first, but he learned about everything quickly: fighting, the operations... I joined at little after he did. By that time, he had been fully accustomed to being in the army."

"That's why you're his subordinate. You're older than him but joined later."

"Yup! And since we were both the youngest, we stuck together."

Koala's POV


"Oi, Dragon-san! There's this little girl that wants to join. She even took the time to find us."

"Hmm?" The tall man scanned the girl. "Take her to the same division as Sabo and put her under Hack. I think she can learn a lot from there."

"I wonder who Sabo is." Koala looked up to see a shorter boy with curly blonde hair and missing tooth. A bandage wrapped around his head covering his left eye. Despite the injury, the boy grinned and extended his hand.

"I'm Sabo! It's nice that you're around my age."

"Same here!"

Koala and Sabo were soon set as partners for short mission. To Koala, Sabo was a smart, little brother who was a rule-sticker.

"Sabo! Let's go explore the weaponry," Koala had suggested one time.

" But, Koala... it's dangerous there, Dragon-san said that we're not allowed," Sabo hesitated.

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