Chapter 9

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            Normally, you would be depressed about Sabo not contacting, seeing that it has been two months since you traded numbers; however, with the Paramount War (War of the Best) coming, the whole base became even more tumultuous, nobody has time for that. You had incoming piles of planning and Sabo was sent on consecutive missions. Dragon decided to take advantage of the war and to infiltrate as many governments as possible around the Grand Line, knowing that the majority of the Marines would mobilized to Marineford.

Now, after eight weeks of non-stop work, you were getting a day off. More like Dragon and Koala forced you to. Because you had overworked yourself, you got severely sick. Plus, even though you were told to rest, you stubbornly worked on your planning and operations anyways. To add the load, because of your headaches and dizziness, you had fell down from a flight of stairs and broke your left arm. After the incident, Dragon ordered you to have at least one day off, and so you reluctantly agreed.

Also, besides not contacting Sabo for the past two months, you hadn't talked to Ace since then either. Looks like both of you had your hands full. He didn't call you at all and you didn't call him. Usually, he's the one who calls first and then scold you:

"(Name)! Why is it you never call me first?!"

"I'm sorry?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Not sorry?"

"Whatever! Doesn't matter really, I'm used to it. Anyways, last week..."

You chuckled to yourself. "Maybe I should call him later!" you thought smiling to yourself.

You sat in Koala's kitchen, drinking tea (or coffee, you prefer) and reading the newspaper. At the headlines was, "Impending War: Pirates against Marines". As you continued to read, your eyes widen with rage. Unfortunately, you haven't know what the Paramount War was about and you filled with animosity at the cause of the conflict: Ace's execution. You shot straight up and sprinted to Dragon's office.

Sabo's POV

"So I would be going to this island for the gun trafficking?" Sabo asked, making sure.

"Yes, and also..." The door violently swung open.

"Dragon-san! May speak to you as soon as possible?" Sabo looks over to see (Name) and smiled. He really missed her. Sabo, however, quickly changed his expression, showing concern because (Name) had a worried but fierce look on her face.

"Once I'm done discussing with Sabo, (Name)," Dragon replied, without looking up.

"Thank you, sir." The door closed softly.

"Maybe I should ask her what's wrong later on."

Your POV

You breathed, heavily. "I have to be there, too! As, a friend I have to help Ace! Let's see, according to the article, Ace's execution is a week away and from here to Marineford by a regular ship is 2 weeks." You flinched. You wouldn't get there in time. "No, no, no. If I take a ship with biggest wind dial and lightest weight and if I go by myself, then I could get in less than a week! I could meet up with the Whitebeard Pirates and then..." The door opening interrupted your thoughts.

"You can go in now, (Name)," Sabo said as he exited the office. He gripped your hand. "If you have any worries, you can always come talk to me about it." You nodded and headed in.


After explaining about the situation and how dire it is, you pleaded to go to Marineford. "Please, Dragon-san, if I don't go then I'll regret this for the rest of life!"

The answer was short and explicit. "No."

"Please, Dragon-san! I have to go..."

"The answer is final and I say no!" Dragon growled, "I saying for your benefit. You're in no condition to do any work, much less go into battle. If you try to leave, then I must send someone after you and lock you up until this is over. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes sir," you murmured, looking down.

"You are dismissed." You solemnly walked out of the office. Koala was leaning on a wall nearby and stood straight up at seeing you step out.

"(Name)? I saw you rush here. What's the matter?"

"The war..."

"It's a dreadful thing isn't."

You nodded in response. "But it's not just that..."

Koala studied you for moment and grimaced. "It's about Ace, right? He's such a good friend to you." She gripped your shoulders. "For now, don't worry. He's the second division leader of the Whitebeard Pirates! He's strong. The people rescuing him are strong! I'm sure he'll be okay." She paused. "Plus, maybe Dragon-san already said so," Your best friend pointed to your broken arm. "You're not a very good shape to fight."

You sighed. "I know..." You closed your eye, clenching your fist, hoping, praying, pleading that Ace would alright at the end.


*After the Paramount War*

You stared down at the newspaper in your hands, tears streaming, pouring down your face. The never ending waterfall made the paper wet. "Ace! Why?!" You fell to your knees due to the shock.

"(Name)! Did you get the newspaper?" a voice called.

You quickly gathered the bundles of newspaper and stuffed the one you were reading into your back pocket, with some of it still protruding out. "I got it!" you answered. Wiping your tears and snot, you hurried to the meeting room.

"Thanks, (Name)," the revolutionary who called for you earlier said, "Hey, everyone! There's new about the result of the war!"

"One of the four emperors, Whitebeard and Firefist Ace had died!"

Everyone quickly gathered around taking one. Koala came in late and all the newspaper was taken. "Hey, (Name), can I see yours?"

"Uh, yeah," you said.

Koala opened bundle of paper with a concerned face. "Is something wrong?" she asked you, noticing the tear stains. Just then, she looked behind and noticed Sabo. Her face changed to an alarmed look. "What's wrong, Sabo? You're acting really strange."

You turned around to see Sabo, leaning on the table, trembling. Giant drops of tears plummeted onto the newspaper.

Koala and you instinctively ran to Sabo. He shook violently. You leaned close to comfort him. Suddenly, he screamed in agony, "NOOOOOO!!!!!!"

"Sabo!" you panicked. "What did this to him?" You looked at the newspaper still in his hands. It was opened to the article about the result of the war. Your eyes widen with realization. "Is it back?"

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