A school day

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Emily's PoV
First day back from summer and I haven't seen my friends for the full of it, I have actually been in Miami with my family as my dad had the summer off from the army.
As my alarm goes off at 7am, I relies I have school. School is okay I have 4 amazing and non replaceable friends, these friends include; Aria, Hanna, Spencer and Alison.
Aria is smart, her dress code is amazing and overall a great listener. Hanna is a wee bit stupid but she is funny and would drop anything for the 4 of us. Spencer is so smart and a bit of a know it all but she is such a nice person and would do anything for us. And then Alison, Everyone loves Alison, she is the queen bee, the miss popular, but she picks us to hang with, I see the nice in Alison but people are scared as she does infuriate people to get her own way.
I get up and go for a short cold shower to wake me up, I love anything to do with water, as I love swimming. After my shower I get out and get dressed. I go for denim jeans with a white tee and a flannel with white converse. I get picked up by Hanna's mum, as I go in the car I get shouted at with words as I haven't seen her in a while. She asks if I missed her and I say obviously.
Her mum dropped me off and I get a text from the group chat which includes all 5 of us. Myself and Hanna read the messages, the messages read,

Ali D- See yass bitches in school ps I have missed you all xox
Ali D- where are y'all ??
Ali D- if you's would get off your phones and greet me already 😫😫

After I read that message I turn around and see Alison, she instantly hugs me as she hasn't seen me for a while. We all lock arms and go in school, everyone is focused on us and i hate to say it but I love it. I love all this attention. Then aria and spencer come in and we all sit down as we are early, we discuss the summer, they all ask me if I met anyone or if I met any other new friends. But to both answers I said no as I didn't meet anyone, it was just family. They gave me the look as they thought I met a boy but nope I'm still a single Pringle. As we all catch up with what has been happening the bell goes and we all go to English with the new guy, I think his name is Mr Fitz but I don't know. As we all find seats next to each other the teacher walks in and all the girls look at him and fantasy but I don't see the charm or good looks he has. I look over to Aria and a weird vibe is happening between the teacher and her, I wonder what's up.

Aria's PoV
As I get settled down in my seat I get my jotter out and read as I love English. As the new teacher walks in all the girls stop talking, I look up and see him. Ezra oh no what have I did. Ezra is looking at me and I do the same, we both know we have fu**ed up. He writes his name on the board and I just continue reading. I try to forget what happened but I can't this summer was amazing I mean his company was amazing, I had fun. The girls don't know anything so I keep it that way, as the class continued, the more awkward it became for myself and Ezra, to be honest I think as soon as the bell went he felt glad. I walked out as fast as I could before him noticing. I waited on Em as we had Biology together, as non of the other girls picked it. As she walked out I grabbed her arm and rushed to class.

Emily's PoV
As English finished I walked out and was greeted by Aria, well by greeted I mean she grabbed my arm and practically ran to class. We were the first to get into biology and we just sat next to each other. As biology went on the more I grew to fall asleep, I never new it was so boring. As I was in a little daydream I get a text. It's from Alison but it isn't addressed to the group chat just to me, I wonder what's up and open it.
Alison D❤️- Hey Em I'm so bored please meet me in the toilets xox
To Alison D❤️- Sure why not I don't see the fun side in biology x
I raise my hand to go to the toilet and I get permission, as I leave the classroom I get a weird look of Aria but I just leave. As I head to the toilet I see Alison down the corridor and she waves, I wonder what she wants to talk about.

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