Camila ??

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Alison's PoV
I get a shock it's Camila, I haven't seen her since last year when I was visiting my grandma in Dubai. I see her and she is all cut, I ask what happened and she just slurs her words. I can't believe this has happened she probably just feel as she is drunk. I let her sleep and will speak to her when she gets up, which will probably be the afternoon.
Spencer and Aria go back to sleep but I can't so I go upstairs and take a shower, by the time I finish I get a fright Em isn't there. I go downstairs and she is there making breakfast. By now the time is 8:30 so the others aren't up. I see Em hesitating to ask who Camila is so I tell her. I say "Em as you know I went to Dubai last year to visit my grandma, as I was down there I met Camila. She is a lovely and amazing person. She writes and sings amazingly and we became good friends. In all honesty I don't know how she ended up here or how she knows where I live but she was drunk and hurt so I let her in." Em just looks at me and says " I understand she looks like a nice person, and she has a great tan" we both chuckle and eat the pancakes she made. By the time we finish up its 9:45 and we hear the girls get up, they all come to the kitchen and Hanna is wondering who Camila is, I tell her the story and then they all have cereal.

Camila's PoV
As I get up I have a really sore head, I look up and see I'm in an unfamiliar house. Not only is my head in agony but so is my leg I have a look and see there is cuts all over it, I must of fallen. As I get up I see Alison? Wait why am I in her house. She comes over to me with paracetamol and a glass of water, I take them and say " why am I here" she answers " I was going to ask you the same thing, you stumbled in here around 6am and got me worried." I say sorry and put my head down in shame. She says " there is nothing to say sorry about, why didn't you call me to say you were in town and we could've caught up" I say " I have actually moved here with my mum and dad, I now go to rosewood high school. I actually didn't know you lived here I must've got lost but hey guess we are neighbours."

Alison's PoV
"Hey guess we are neighbours" that is so great to hear Camila is so nice and a great friend I hope the girls allow her in our group as she would definitely fit in, She is pretty, a rocker at a party and pretty smart. I go and hug her and say "that's great, but you should probably get going home as your parents will get worried" she just agrees and says thanks. As she heads out the girls and I agree we shouldn't go to school as we have all ready missed a period. We all get ready and go in Ems car as it is a bit bigger. I know she hates shopping so this won't be great for her.

Emily's PoV
That Camila girl looks like a nice girl, she should definitely hang out with us at school, as she leave the girls and I decide no school so we head out to go shopping great, I hate shopping. When we usually go shopping I sit in the coffee bit and eat cake while drinking my caramel latte, so I'm guessing today will be no acceptation. As we all go into my car we put on the radio and we all sing along oh my Alison has such a great singing voice. As we arrive to the mall we all get out and Alison says "try to have fun em, if you want I will go into the sports shops with you there's a new one open and I need a new sports bra." I smile and nod she is such a nice person to myself and the girls. As we enter the mall Aria and Spencer head to forever 21, Hanna goes to the food court and Ali and me go to sports direct. I see a nice hoodie it's adidas so I decide to get it, Ali sees a nice adidas sports bra so she gets that, she wears that to cheerleading, I decide to get a sports bra too but instead of pink I get black and white, I can wear this to cheerleading.

Alison's PoV
I'm surprised no moaning from Em she must love this new shop, I must admit it does have some great stuff in it. I just get some cheerleading stuff and so does Em. After we pay, we head to the food court and meet Hanna. By surprise she is talking to a boy. He looks nice looking but he is a total geek. My type is good looking, fit, smart, and knows me as a person. But it will be hard to meet someone like that. As Em and I head up to Hanna I say hey Hanna blushes and the guy says "hi I'm Caleb, I'm new here" I say hey I'm Alison and this is Emily, he shakes our hands and gives Hanna a piece of paper and says " it was nice to meet you's and winks to Hanna" as he leaves Hanna just continues to eat her burger. As Hanna finishes Aria and Spencer appear, I love shopping but not as much as Aria, she loves her fashion and the new trends. As we all get something to eat we leave and go home. Em drops everyone off to there houses and then it's just me and her. As we drive up to my bit she stops the car and I say thanks for dropping me of Em. We wave and I go into my house.  As I go up to my room I get a phone call, it's unknown but I answer anyway I say hello the person answers hi it's Sinuhe, Camila's mom.
S- I'm just calling to say if you could possibly look after Camila tomorrow as it will be her first day.
A- of course I will, if you won't I will drive her to school just say for her to meet me at my bit for 8:30.
S- thank you so much dear, Camila and I are very thankful, she is so nervous to start.
A- tell her not to be nervous my fiends all ready like her.
S- well thank you so much Alison I will tell her 8:30, bye Alison
A- bye Mrs Cabello

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