Camila's first day

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The next day- Alison's PoV
As I got up it was around 8am so I decided to get dressed then go down for some breakfast. I grabbed an apple and cut it up into small pieces. As I began to eat I heard my doorbell go so I opened it and saw Camila standing I looked at my watch and it was 8:25 I must of lost track of time. She says "hiya" and I say hi and welcome her in. As I grab my bag to head out she just stands in the hall quiet. I ask if somethings up and she says "I'm just nervous, new school, new friends." I say it's okay you are part of my friends we all look out for each other and your pretty so all the boys will be drooling over you. She looks down and says I guess. As we go into my car and drive off we turn on the radio and listen to a song called impossible covered by a girl called Lauren Jauregui, I see Camila's eyes light up as she starts to sing her wee heart out and by the sounds of things she can really sing. As we arrive at school i see Camila look down, I say don't look down just keep your chin up and you will be okay. She just does what I say and then we meet the others. I see the girls saying hi Camila and she says hi back. Then Hanna says have you heard off that new singer, I think she's called Lauren. Then I see Camila jump up and shout LAUREN JAUREGUI, I just laugh and so do the girls and Camila blushes. Hanna says I'm guessing your her fan, Camila says not only am I her fan I'm her secret bff, she doesn't know it yet but she is. The bell then goes and I see Hanna coming up to me and saying I like this girl already. As I take Camila to registration I see Em coming out the toilets crying. I drop Camila off and run up to Em I say what's wrong and she says "I saw Ben kissing another girl, she's in my swim team" I say who is this bitch and she says "Paige" I said "no she is so ugly you are much prettier". She just smiles and says " well Ben must not think so" I say well like I stayed he is just a dick and I knew it, he was just using you for popularity, like I said you deserve someone much much better than him. She smiles and we go off to English. I see Camila come into my class and there is an empty seat next to me so I say for her to sit next to me. She does so and I get a text, it's from Noel Kahn he said there's a wicked party at his bit tonight at 9pm. I text the girls including Camila saying are you guys up for a bit of fun. They all text back what kind of fun, and I say party at Noel's bit at 9pm, ps you all are going. Everyone says yes except Camila who doesn't know who he is, I point him out to her and say I will pick you up and drop you off. She agrees and I am exited, Camila is exited too first day at a new school and already invitations to a party. As English is finished I head off to maths, it's only Em and I, as the others picked stupid biology. As we walk into the class Ben gives Emily a stupid wink, I see her getting upset so I give Ben the evils and he looks confused. As the class starts I see Em on her phone and so is Ben, her must be texting her. Coming up with some stupid alibi. Luckily the teacher went to the toilet so i looked a Ems phone and she is getting really mad, she called him a good for nothing fuckboy, who she wants nothing to with. He said something like is it your time of the month. And by that comment she angrily got up and shouted "No I'm not on my period, I'm mad because you were making out with that slut!" By that she pointed to Paige yep she's in our class.

Emily's PoV
As Ben texted me I thought he was going to apologise but nope he thought I was on my period. I angrily shouted in front of the class and walked out. As I ran to the toilets I started crying until I heard someone come in. I thought it would have been Alison but instead it was Camila? I think that's her name. She acknowledges my red puffy eyes and asks "what's wrong" I tell her my story as I have no one else to talk to. After I'm finished she gives me a tight hug and says " well this Ben guy doesn't deserve you, you are pretty and by the looks of things a really nice person. We don't really know each other but I would gladly like to get to know you better" after she finishes the bell goes and we both say crap I never knew how long we were in here for. We both go off to class, as I enter the teacher shouts at me saying why was I not there, I make up a lie and say woman issues, as he is a guy he understood and let me go. As I went into the cafeteria I met up with the girls and Camila looked lonely sitting herself, as Alison wasn't here yet I included her in our group. We all talked and got to know Camila much better but I'm still wondering where Ali is. There is five minutes left of break and I decide I should go look for Ali.

Alison's PoV
As I leave class I wonder where Em went, as she ran out the class I wasn't allowed out so I had to sit in class wondering what she could of been doing. As the bell went I head towards the cafeteria until someone grabs my arm, as tight it was I knew it wasn't a girl, so I turned round and it was Noel. He looks high as his pupils are so big. I say "stop it Noel, your hurting me" as his grip was so sore, he pushed me towards a wall and grabbed my hair I tried to scream but one of his hands was covering me mouth. As he was kissing me I tried to kick him but he just laughed and pushed me towards the closet, I try my hardest to get away but he is to strong as he is pushing me he unbuttons his trousers, I get really scared as I know what is going to happen next, before he shuts the closet door someone barges in and all of a sudden I fall and everything goes dark.

Emily's PoV
As I go on the look out for Ali, I go to my locker and get some water, when I get it I hear someone scream. I run to where I think I heard it and see Ali being pushed into a closet. As the guy tries to close the door I grab it and swing it open seeing who this guy is. I see Noel who is probably high, with his trousers down, I think of the worst and just kick him and take him out the closet I punch his face which knocked him out. I go towards Ali who is lying on the ground with blood on her face it looks like she fell and isn't moving I run to her and call 911.

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