Poem-7: Am gonna let it go...

118 28 7

Why should I be the one,
To give up first, everytime.
Whenever we have a tide,
That we cannot surf through!

No. Am not going to give it a way.
Even if you say,
That you'll do better this time...
Only broken peices are left,
Each one is shouting your name.
My heart is no more mine...

Oh, I've tried to hold you back.
But, I'm only losing my worth.
Am just gonna let it go...

Why should I be the one to apologise,
Even when I haven't done any crime.
Why do I always have to do the things,
Which you're supposed to do.

No. Am not going to give it a way.
Even if you say,
That you'll do better this time...
Only broken peices are left,
Each one is shouting your name.
My heart is no more mine...

Oh, I've tried to hold you back.
But, I'm only losing my worth.
Am just gonna let it go...

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