Sexual Addictions

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There are so many people out their in the world right now that are addicted to sexual practices, such as: pornography, masturbation, cybersex and many others.

Some people are so addicted that they cannot pass by one day without doing so - maybe you are also facing this problem. You might be keeping this as a secret - you might be scared or embarrassed to let people know. Firstly, let's find the problems with these sexual sins.


Pornography is DESTRUCTIVE!! It traps so many teens and maybe those older too. It might be out of curiosity that you first watch it but pornography destroys our life. " Pornography can tear apart a home, and it can tear apart a person's soul. And in some cases it leads to even worse consequences."

You might have just started watching porn and are probably thinking 'pssht, I won't ever get addicted to it." Believe it or not but you will get addicted to it. Devil is so cunning in his ways, he traps us in so many different ways.

People who watch pornography end up doing more sins. They might start off watching porn but soon they will get bored of it and crave for something more and that's how they end up doing other destructive things, things that will land you straight to Hell.

Have you ever thought about why there are people like Paedophiles , Prostitutes and Rapers in this world? Most of those who do or have done such things watched porn. These people were living their normal life just like you and me but they ended up getting trapped in pornography. By watching porn, their minds got filled with darkness, lust and craving.

One boy started to watching porn at the age of 12, he lived in a happy Christian family. One day he found porn dvds and started watching them but he soon got bored and watched more explicit porn. Over time he got really badly addicted to it that it was like a drug to him, he needed more and more doses, he then started watching raw sexual violence. It soon came to a point where pornography didn't give him the pleasure he craved. Not being able to take it any longer, he snapped and ended up - ABDUCTING, ABUSING AND MURDERING a young woman. He kept on doing it again and again until he was finally stopped, by which time he had already killed more than 2 dozen girls and women. Before he was executed for his wrong doings, here is what the man said "Pornography can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my house 30 years ago....The most damaging kinds of pornography are those that involve violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces brings about behaviour too terrible to describe."

God will help you quit watching porn.

Masturbation Masturbation - "when people touch their own bodies for sexual pleasure. People masturbate in lots of different ways. Touching your own body for sexual pleasure is different for everyone."

Some of you reading this might be addicted to masturbation as well. You might use masturbation as an escape but does it make you feel any better once it is over? Maybe you will feel good for that short time you masturbate but once it is over you will just feel more depressed or maybe crave for something more.

What does God say about sex?

It is a gift from god to married people that they may strengthen their relationship and become one in soul (baby).

What does God say about sexual sin?

Getting away from Sexual addictions

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Getting away from Sexual addictions

I haven't wrote about Cybersex but it is also a sexual sin. There are also many IMPURE BOOKS that include sexual scenes, this is also a sexual sin.

SEXUAL SIN IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH! It will ruin our lives, marriage and everything else. People want to get out this dark addiction but Satan gets them trapped in it. Satan can use their minds to destroy themselves and to harm others.

If YOU are addicted to any of these sexual sins then I can assure you GOD will BREAK THE CHAINS. Praise God, Pray to him and go to Confession, don't worry the priest will not judge you nor tell anyone else about your sins. You can also message me if you would like me to pray for you, I will not tell anyone but I will pray to our daddy for you too my brothers and sisters. We will pray together.

God bless you all.


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