King Of This World

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In case you didn't know...
Satan is actually the king of this world. Has that got any of you surprised? I know I certainly was when I found this out; I thought God was the king of this world. Satan is a fallen angel and when he fell from heaven - where did he land? On Earth.

I guess it does make a bit more sense as to why we shouldn't have any connections with the world. Connecting ourself to the world would mean we are under the world's power, whose under Satan's power. Does that even make sense to you guys? I don't really know how to put that more simply. Hopefully it does.

If we belong to the world then we are under the world's power. If we belong to God, then the world hates us. Satan hates us... but to be honest we don't need to worry because the one we worship (God) is more powerful than Satan.


Just a short chapter :-)

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