Chapter 3

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Some people are scared of heights, others are scared of spiders or clowns or being kidnapped, I, on the other hand was scared of falling for someone. Because once you've fallen, you don't stop until your madly in love and then the person you love breaks your heart. Everyone has to face their fears, but I'm gonna hold off on that for as long as I possibly can.
"Don't worry soph, friends do this."
"Don't fuck yourself, friends don't do this."
"FRIENDS DO THIS!" Luke whines.
"Whatever you say." I laugh.
"Kate's not my type." He says, completely out of the blue.
"Kate's not my type."
"Um...ok?" I laugh.
"Soph- you'd admit to me if you liked me right-as a friend?"
"Of course. I mean yeah I like you. As a friend." I smile.
God I'm so awkward.
"What's your middle name?" Luke asks me in middle of our "Friends" marathon.
"Why must you know?" I question.
"Why must you be so stubborn?"
"You could be devising a plan to kill me."
"I'm not."
"I don't know that."
Our pointless bickering went on forever. Luke would make a dumb comeback and I would laugh and say something even dumber.
"I've um- got to study. You should get going." I say in a rush.
You can't fall for him.
"Soph-" Luke starts
"Please Luke, I need to study." I continue my lame excuse.
"There's no tests." Luke scoffs.
"Yeah bu-" I start.
"If you didn't want me here, you could've just said," he says, and I see his eyes becoming glassy as he slams my door, leaving only the sound of my heavy breathing and the last episode of "Friends" in the series.
"God no. LUKE!" I yell, swinging my door open running down the walkway.
I see his tall figure walking quickly away.
"Luke. Luke. Lucas!" I say, my voice getting louder each time.
"What,god what do you want!" He says, turning around abruptly.
"I'm sorry." I stutter, my voice growing small.
"Whatever." He mumbles and turns back around.
"Please don't leave." My voice was barely audible this time.
"I can't stay." He says.
"You could three minutes ago!"
"You want me gone."
"No I-"
"You need a break." He says and begins to walk again, leaving me alone, just how I was a few minutes before.
I ran back to my front door, hopelessly trying to get in before anyone could see me.
Once I do, I slam the door shut once again and lean against it, slowly crumbling into my knees. Because God was everything falling apart.
Life was never perfect. My parents were barley ever home, and my sister was always at daycare because of that. Numerous amounts of times I had begged my mom to let me watch Siera, who was only 5, but apparently I wasn't "responsible enough" so most times I was left at home alone.
And though I was alone a lot, I didn't ever feel alone.
I knew I had friends and family who loved me. But as of that moment. Sitting on the cold tile floor. I felt more alone than I ever have.
I wasn't sure why Luke affected me so very much. I barley knew him, but I did know that I would probably not get to know him because all I ever did was push people away.
Soph🌵: Luke I'm sorry.
Lucas: it's fine :)
Soph🌵: I can tell it's not.
Lucas: how
Soph🌵: you didn't even use a real emoji...
I sighed, now slouching on my unmade bed.
It took me long enough to find the courage to text Luke, and I could tell he wasn't fine with it because he hadn't even looked at me in three days.
It all seemed so over dramatic. But things got to me easily. I couldn't stand to see someone unhappy especially someone I was friends with.
"Luke. Please stop." I say as I run up to him in the hall.
"Sorry. I've been a jack ass this whole week haven't I? I forgive you Soph- some people want to be alone sometimes and I get it." Luke says, ending his sentence with a smile.
"Good. So we're good?"
"We are great." He says. "Ugh, I've been dying to ramble to someone about my week, all I have is fake sluts and man sluts around me lately. So Mr. History teacher-" he starts
"You don't know you're own teachers name?" I laugh.
"I don't listen!- anyways so what's his face basically abused me by asking me for and answer- I wasn't raising my hand!" Luke says, being very over dramatic.
"Teachers can do that." I argue.
"No. That's not even the end. So I was like "I don't know." And he was all like "then you should listen!" How rude is he?" Luke finishes.
"It's pretty rude you don't know his name so..."
"How do you know my last name?" I tease.
"I just guessed- WAS THAT RIGHT?" Luke says getting excited.
"No." I laugh.
"I hate you." He says and I laugh once again.
"I'm gonna call you Lucas for now on." I smile.
"Lucas." I turn sharply to walk away.
"Bye to you too Soph." Lucas yells to me.
"Goodbye Lucas!" I yell back, waving my hand behind me.
"!" Kate runs up to me and says.
"You're friends with the Luke Robert Hemmings?" She says, very concerned by this.
"You just caught on? Don't you have a boyfriend?" I sigh.
"Did I say anything about not having a boyfriend? Speaking of boyfriend, here he comes." She smiles and wraps her arm around the boy who appeared next to her.
"Hello Ashton." I smile and high five him for no reason.
"Sophia." He says and tips his head.
"Luke is totally busting nuts about you, but don't tell him I told you." Ashton says under his breath.
"Luke. Like Lucas Hemmings?" I laugh.
"Is there another 6 foot tall blonde boy who resembles a breadstick at this school?" Ashton laughs.
Ashton was funny, and laughed like a hyena.
I can't fall for him.
Once I got home, I was pleased to see Siera sitting by the door.
"Hey munchkin." I say and pick her up over my head.
"Hi!" She smiles brightly, clearly showing her missing teeth.
"Why are you home little?" I say as I put her down.
"The bus dropped me off here, duh!" She says sassily.
"Are mommy and daddy home?" I ask even though I could clearly tell my mom was home.
"I can't remember...." She says slowly trailing off.
"Can't remember?! I can't believe you!" I say jokingly.
"I think... Mo-mmy... Is home!" She smiles, tapping her pointer finger in her chin.
"I think... Your right!" I smile once again.
"Hey mom!" I holler as I throw my backpack on the ground.
The rest of the day passes by quickly, but there was one thought in my mind.
Lucas Robert Hemmings.

This chapter was eh but finally longer woohoo! Btw I do realize Lucas isn't Luke's name so yeah.
Idrk what else to say so bye-

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