Chapter 4

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^^^The picture above is just to get an idea of Sophia's style

Luke always seemed to be on my mind no matter how hard I tried to push him away.
"Hello Sophie!" Luke greets me excitedly.
I flash him a quick smile, not making eye contact with him.
"Why didn't you correct me- don't you mean Sophia?" He says, imitating me.
I simply turn away.
"Fuck Sophia your so stubborn. What the hell did I do?" Luke asks, his annoyance growing by the second.
"Jesus Luke you didn't do anything! You never do anything do you? You're so fucking pesky I need to be alone for once." I say, slamming my locker shut and walking away, leaving him in awe.
"No Soph! I'm sorry look I'm so fucking sorry-" He quickly says, not knowing what he did.
I pretended I didn't hear him and continued walking down the crowded hallway.
Five minutes late for chemistry, Luke walks in and takes a seat next to me.
"Okay class, today we have a lab, as you all should know. You will be working with your shoulder partner." The teacher announces. I look to my right and as I already knew, there sat Luke Hemmings.
"Mrs.Hymer can't I work with Ka-" I argue to the teacher, acting as innocent as humanly possible.
"Well Ms.Chatterbox it seems you and Luke do plenty of talking during my teaching time, so I think you'll be just fine with him." Mrs.Hymer rudely replies.
I sigh and turn back to Luke.
"Let's get started?" He says and awkwardly smiles, looking like a cheesy billboard photo.
"So first I think you mix-" I start, but before I even finish the sentence Luke had mixed many chemicals together.
"Luke! Stop, do you know what your doing?" I say, frantic.
"Live alittle Soph." He smiles again and continues to mix up a concoction.
Sooner or later the formula begins to fix over the glass and spills into our table.
"Luke!" I yell quickly pulling the chemical filled cylinder from his gloved hands.
"Woah!" Luke says and I see his eyes widen like a child's at the candy store.
As if on cue, Mrs. Hymer strolls over to our station.
"Oh my- Sophia! This is why you don't talk during my class!" She says automatically assuming it was me, and not the one with the devilish smile on his face. "To the office." She states.
"It wasn't even me!" I protest.
"Now!" Mrs. Hymer orders.
I catch a sympathetic glance from Kate as I storm out of the chemistry class.
"So Mrs.Smith I hear you acted up last period?" My principal questions me once I sit down on the uncomfortable chair.
"I don't think I did." I say, as politely as I can, considering I was fuming at the moment.
"And why do you say that?"
"Well, my partner, Luka-Luke was the one mixing chemicals- Ms - and when it began to foam over I took the beaker from him." I justify.
"Mhm. Well, since I don't see you here very often, I'll let you off the hook- but one more bad report- you may go back to your class now."
I sigh in relief and get up to leave.
"Oh and Sophia- tell Luke I need him." She winks and I walk out the office
"Mrs. Hymer, the principal wants Luke." I say as I walk back to my station.
She glares at me before announcing Luke's name, and he snobbily walks forward not expecting what was coming for him.
"Have fun Lucas." I say as I nudge him because God I can't ignore that boy.
"Soph." He says, suspicious.
Kate smiles and winks at me as she cleans up.
"Hello new partner." I hear a voice say as I turn to see Ashton sitting where Luke once sat.
"Why hello Ash." I say and take a seat next to him.
"Don't worry, I'll do the work you just sit back, relax-" he smiles cheerfully.
"No, no I'll help. Trust me I'm not Luke." I smile.
"Mrs. Hymer sure thinks it was you," Ashton starts as he mixes chemicals (correctly) "do you like Luke?"
"I'm not sure." I say as I mix the formula.

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