Chapter 6

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There was me and then there was Luke.
Luke and I were what they call polar opposites. But somehow we had connected.
And fuck that connection is killing me.
"What's your biggest fear?" Luke asks while we both lay on our backs, staring up at the non existent stars in my ceiling.
"I've got lots. Hmm... Spiders?" I lie.
"I have two." Luke states. "One is kinda weird. But dying." He smiles
"What's the other one?" I question.
"Can't say." He smirks a little.
"Pleaseeee." I whine.
"It's awkward."
"I don't mind."
"Loosing you. I want to be best friends with you forever." His smirk turns to a frown.
"That's a good one." I say and nudge him.
"For real Soph." He says and turns his body to face mine.
"I believe you- but your biggest fear is loosing me?"
"Well yeah- I mean loosing any of my best friends. Michael,Ashton,Calum." He says.
"Awe!" I smile.
"Leave me alone!" He whines once again.
"I like you too Luke." I say and flip onto my side so I could face Luke.
"Good." He smiles as he grabs my hands and pulls me closer to him.
We both sit up and he smiles.
"You're so awkward." I laugh.
My laughter is cut off by a short kiss and Luke's smiling face.
I was silent.
Nothing was wrong with Luke, he just always had me thinking.
"Whats wrong- I'm sorry-" he says.
"Nothing.- well something. It's just like everyone has to go through life pretending everything is alright and it makes me sad." I sigh.
"So you're sad- for other people?" He questions.
"Well yeah." I say, realizing I was kinda stupid.
"Well- are you ready to get your party on?" Luke says, pretending to "raise the roof".
"Mhm." I smile and we walk out my room.
I laugh and hangout with all my friends- forgetting about my 'Luke problems' for the night.
But forgetting about Luke could only leave me wondering what he was doing.
LUKES POV (a:n ik ik but pov changes will be very rare so it's all good)
I pinned her against the wall, kissing her intensely. Alcohol was running through my veins.
I heard a door creak open, but I ignored it, too deep within the kiss.
The room was silent besides the small sound of our lips pressed together.
"What the fuck." A voice says.
And at that moment every ounce of alcohol drained from my body.
I looked over to see a face all too familiar. A face I knew every inch of. A face I had kissed too many times.
I let go of Kate's hands as I pulled away from her.
"What the fuck." Sophia repeats, confused and crying.
"Sophia I'm sorry!" Kate says, pushing me away from her. "I- I swear it wasn't me. He pulled me in." Kate says, whipping her ponytail around and pointing her finger at me.
"Don't fucking-" I start.
"I'm not a fucking dingbat. Kate- you were eating his face- learn how to kiss- and you come to parties basically half naked." She hissed. I had never heard such intensity in her voice- she had never sound so hurt.
"Soph-" I start.
"Don't fuck with me you motherfucker." She cuts me off, pushing the door away from her body as she runs away from the half lit room, leaving only Kate and I.
"Fuck you." I say lightly pushing her away, and running after the only thing I cared about- Sophia.
Everything was shattered.
Me, the glass cups laying on my floor, the round mirror than once hung on my wall.
And I sat in middle of all the glass crying like someone in insane asylum.
Then my phone rang.
I answered.
"What the fuck do you want." I hiss.
"To tell you that Luke is a fuckboy." He states.
"Oh, I know that better than anyone else." I say and hang up my phone.
Michael🔥: I'm coming over.
And within five minutes Michael was standing outside my bedroom door, begging to come in.
I finally had the strength to get up and open my door, and as soon as I did, I hugged that
Motherfucker like I've never hugged anybody else.
"Um-" Michael awkwardly said- considering we were barley friends.
"Please- please- don't go." I say in between sobs.
"I won't Soph. I won't." He says and hugs me tighter.
"Thanks." I say, not letting go of the hug.
He looks down and notices all the glass items around him.
He grabs my shoulders so he could look at me fully.
"God soph- don't tell me you hurt yourself." He sighs.
"Oh- oh god no- I've been hurt enough today." I say shaking my head.
It wasn't exactly a lie.
I had hurt myself mentally.
I looked in the mirror too long.
That's how the mirror ended up on the floor.
"You go to sleep- I'll clean this up." He says, and softly leads me towards my bed.
I didn't go to sleep, knowing only nightmares would follow.


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