Chapter 4~Love You Too

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(Anna's P.O.V.)
I took a giant sigh as I awoke to Garroth's arm around my waist as he was still sleeping. I heard giggles and gasps from outside the door so I was going to get up only to realize I was only in my undergarments...shit.
I grabbed Garroth's giant shirt off the floor and slipped it over me. I went outside to see Laurence, Aphmau and another guy with white hair and green eyes huddled in a group. They were talking and whispering and I heard Aphmau whisper "And I thought Garroth was the shy one!!" I got confused then felt arms around my waist. It was Garroth and I just leaned into him as a back rest. I felt safe and secure in his arms. I loved him, I always have. "I have a surprise for you. Get dressed." He got in his armor. He took me outside down a path to a house with a red haired girl. "Cadenza? I'm here to pick up my order!" We went down the stairs and she gave Garroth a backpack with clothes in it. "Go ahead try them on!" Garroth and the girl named Cadenza said. I went to her bathroom and put it on. It was black shorts, and red tank top. It looked amazing and it had a black jacket as well but it was hot outside. I put my previous clothes in the bag and put it on my back. I went out and thanked Garroth. "This is a lot more comfortable than Aphmau's old clothes"

(Time skip)

I got back to the tree house place and I just sighed. I heard someone coming up the latter. I sat up quickly to see Laurence. "So you and Garroth really hit it up last night huh?" "Why does it concern you?" "You don't remember me?" "I...uh...what?!" I was shocked to see him coming towards me. He kissed me and I reluctantly kissed him but pushed away slowly. "Look I'm sorry but I can't do this."
"You don't, do you?"
"I'm sorry." He sighed and and went to his own bed.

(Time Skip)
(I apologize in advance)

I was at Aphmau's house discussing defense system matters. I was giving her ideas and my opinion on how to get the guard force to become stronger. Garroth came in the front door. "Anna. Can I talk to you downstairs and'd be better if you left for go see Cadenza or something. He took me downstairs and he took me into one of the guest rooms. "Yes?" "Look, Anna. I want things to be the way they were like when we were in O'Kahsis. Everything...just like it was. Me sneaking in and us doing our thing."
"Garroth? This isn't like you. ."
"Starts now!" He tackled me with a kiss and I tried not to laugh. We kept kissing and without breaking the kiss he pinned me to the bed. The kissing got more passionate. I didn't feel the same as I did last night...something is different...really different.
"Are you sure you're okay? You seem different." "Ask me that again after this." He kissed my neck and I sighed.
" isn't you." I pushed him off. "Can we just sleep? It's been a long day. I haven't seen you in years."
(Time Skip)
After it was over...he got up and left the room. I slipped on my tank and shorts and followed him. I couldn't believe what I saw...Garroth turned into Laurence! It was him the entire time! Oh my Irene...what have I done?

A/N: OMG I'm sorry in advance to do this to Laurence....thanks anyway for reading...

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