Chapter 15~ Everything Fits

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I woke up, my breathing heavy and my palms sweaty. I sat up wiping my forehead and letting my eyes focus. I'm on the'd I get here? I lifted my legs to the side of the bed. I stood up and walked to the top deck. Where was everyone? I looked over and saw Aphmau's sword laying against the door. Where was she?
I kept walking until I reached the tip of the boat. I looked out. The sea was truly gorgeous. The sun reflected off the water making it look like the sun was rising underwater.
I lifted my arms and rose up onto my tip toes. The wind from the boat moved around me, it felt amazing. I closed my eyes and lifted my head up. Everything felt like it was okay. It felt like everything was at peace.
Then I opened my eyes and leaned forward. I lost balance and I was falling. I couldn't scream, I had lost all my air. I was about to hit the water when I woke up again.
This time I couldn't move. I was completely still.
"Anna!" I heard Aphmau's voice. She ran down the stairs and helped me sit up. "Are you okay?" As I sat up, I felt bandages around my stomach. I forgot about those.
"I think so, where's everybody else?"
"Upstairs". I nodded and she helped me stand and then I followed her up the stairs.
"You're awake!" Garroth found me first. He hugged me lightly. He must've known about the bandages.
"Yeah, I am. Surprisingly." Garroth looked me over. His eyes met mine and he smiled.
"At least your okay." Aphmau transferred me over to Garroth, who wrapped his arm around my waist and helped my walk. I felt so weak, my mid-section throbbing with pain. My legs felt numb, like nothing wanted to move.
I stumbled and Garroth brought me closer to his side. "Good?" I nodded as I tried to support my own weight. He let go and I took a couple steps until I fell. I rolled over and winced in pain. Garroth picked me up bridal style and carried me back to my bed. "You need more rest." He pulled the blankets over me and helped me get situated. "When you need something, I'll be right there." He smiled and then headed back to the top deck.
I woke up staring at the familiar color of the ceiling of my house. I sighed in comfort and relief that we were home. I was able to sit up.
"Morning." I looked up and saw Garroth staring at me from a chair across an unfamiliar room.
"Where are we?"
"Phoenix Capitol. You've been out for a while."
"How long?"
"Too long. Feeling better?" He says walking over and sitting next to me.
"Yeah, I need to change and I'll meet you outside, I can tell by your face we have some business to take care of." He nods and leaves.
I stand up and wobble over to where my bag was. I take out a black sleeveless tee and some black shorts and a black jacket. I slip on my black combat boots as well and pull my hair up and go to meet Garroth.
"So what's up, we aren't here to just be here." I say as we start walking.
"Travis. Aphmau and him went to the Enki dimension. They told me that they were going to kill the Demon Warlock. I just went to see Travis and he said that they succeeded. I believe Aphmau and Katlyn are currently out trying to figure out more information about the relic they have obtained."
"Okay, so what are we doing?"
"I'm giving you a tour."

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