Chapter 13~Time is Due

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(Anna's P.O.V.)
Knock knock

I heard a very light knock on my door.

I didn't say anything and on came Katelyn.

"Anna...I know your very upset but it's been 3 weeks and you haven't left that spot. To eat. To drink. To do anything of any kind. This really isn't healthy for you. And it kills us all knowing that you are sitting in here alone deep in your sadness."
I remained silent...
"Please...if there is anything I can do, let me know....I'll send in the other if you're okay with it.."I just lowered my head and shed another tear.
She left and a couple of minutes later, I heard another light knock on my door.
"Anna...?" I heard Travis's voice. He sounded caring and sweet-toned.
"It's been 3 weeks and we've all been worried about you." He came and sat next to me in front of the fireplace. He wiped my tears and made me face him. "I know nothing about how you feel right now. I can't even begin to imagine how much pain you must be in. I just want you to know that loosing Laurence and Garroth, it shouldn't change you. It's hard and you can have your moments of weakness, but great soldiers never fall. What you are doing...looks like your falling and that makes you weak." I looked up at him and looked over his expression. It was soft and his eyes showed caution and care. "I'm just asking for you to say something. Anything at all..."
"Laurence...Garroth..." I muttered. More and more tears started to roll down my face until I was full blown.
Travis's lips met mine and throughout I felt safe and secure. Just like I did with Garroth.
"Travis..." I was in utter shock.
"Anna...lets take you to Aphmau's for some food. She'll probably want to see you." He took my hand and we headed to Aphmau's house.

We arrived and Aphmau ran up and hugged me.
"Anna...thank Irene you're okay."
"Aph!" Travis snapped at Aphmau.
"Oh...right. Anyway, sit down. Zoey is still making breakfast." I sat down next to Travis and across from Aphmau.
"So...what's for breakfast Aph?" Travis said.
"Just some pancakes and blueberries."
She shrugged.
"Sounds delightful." I managed to mumble.
"It actually is. Pancakes and fresh blueberries." She smiled and then frowned. "Why were you so upset when we lost Laurence?".
Travis shooters his chair towards mine and then snapped a mad look at Aphmau. My eyes started to tear up and I started to cry.
"I've never....told anyone...this....but Laurence and I....we had a relationship....when we were in the Nether. He was my caretaker...he got me out." I said in between sobs.
"Oh...I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset..." Aphmau looked at Travis.
Travis pulled me toward him so my face was in his chest and I cried into it.
"Aphmau...I'm very happy that you invited us for breakfast...but we have to get going..." Travis took me back to my house and he put me in my bed.
"You really need rest...ill come check on you later...okay?" I nodded and he wiped my tears, smiled at me, then left.

I woke up and felt a hand near my stomach. I opened my eyes and saw an arm. I panicked inside and heard someone behind me wake up as well...

"'re awake..." Travis....was in my bed...
"Travis?! What are you doing?! Did you?! Did we?!"
"Calm surprised you don't remember! We did and you were awake. In actually asked. I came to check on you and then you just right out asked!" I didn't believe his words...but I did at the same time.

"Really?...I did?"
"Yep...and just let me say, wow."
"Shut up...I'm hungry."
"No duh you are."
"You never ate yesterday."
"Let's go get you some food at Aph's place." Travis and I got up and dressed. Then we headed to Aphmau's place were we had a wonderful breakfast...
And then I went and sat on the dock, thinking about what I shouldn't have...Garroth and Laurence.

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