Part 15!!

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Part 15!!

We got to the zoo and Eleanor put Tom in his push chair and said she would push him.

'When do you get your cast of?' Eleanor asked me, as we got to the reception.

'In about a week I think. The 27th. It was only a small break so they didn't have to operate' I tell her. I paid for us all to get into the zoo and we went in.

'Where do you want to go first?' Eleanor asked Tom looking over the top of his push chair. She looked very cute with him.

'Padas! Padas!' He shouted, not pronouncing the 'n'. We went to the pandas and Tom jumped up and down in his seat. Once we went around all of the enclosures and sat through a dolphin show, we went to get lunch. We decided after lunch that we would just go home because it was nearly 4 and we told Tom's mum Dani that we would be home about 4.30. We went to the small cafe just outside the zoo and sat down for lunch. I checked my phone and I had 3 messages. One from Louis. It read *aww :( looks like I'm gone now! Bye Eleanor :( I'll miss you! Lol* I chuckled while I read it. I knew he was joking. I sent back *keep in touch with me! Lol*. The two other messages were from Liam. The first one said *Skype? Miss you xxx* and the other one said *Skype me before we go on stage! We go on at 6.00 your time! See you soon xxx* I felt so bad that u had missed both of his texts! I texted him back *sorry! I'm at the zoo! Okay speak soon!* we ordered lunch. We were only going to have sandwiches and I had food for Tom with me. We finished lunch and Eleanor drove us home. We got in and Eleanor put tom in the playroom. I asked Eleanor if she wanted coffee or something.

'Yeah please. Can I have a black coffee?' she asked.

'Of course!' I said and went into the kitchen. I got two cups out and put coffee in both. It was about 4.55 so Tom would be going soon. The kettle boiled and I poured them and went through to the playroom, struggling to carry both cups. Eleanor and Tom were sitting on the floor, playing with play cars.

'Here you go!' I said to Eleanor and passed her a cup. I went and sat on the sofa.

'Thanks. This boy is really cute! I can't wait until you and Liam have kids!' Eleanor told me.

'That won't be for a while Eleanor! We aren't even married yet!' I told her. I was surprised that she came out with that. It was nice to think that someone thought that way. I was snapped out of my thoughts as the doorbell went.

'That will be Dani! I'll take him through' I told Eleanor.

'No hun! Don't be daft! I'll take him' she said lifting Tom up

'Okay thanks' I said as I watched her walk out of the room. I looked over to the clock and it was only 5 past 5 so I still had about 50 minutes until I would Skype Liam. It was his first show tonight and I said that I would Skype him before he went on. Eleanor came back through and she finished her coffee.

'Right, thanks for letting me stay last night. I'm gonna head home now!' she said.

'Aw thank you for coming! And driving us to the zoo. I hate relying on people to help me do things!' I said getting up to walk her to the door.

'It wasn't a problem! Honestly! Text me when you are getting your cast off and I'll drive you to the hospital' she said, going out of the door.

'Okay! Speak to you soon! Bye' I said and shut the door. I took the cups through to the kitchen and tidied up the playroom. By the time I had done this, it was 5.45 so I went back through to the kitchen and sat at the table. I opened the laptop and Skyped Liam. He answered right away.

'Hi babe! Good luck!' I told him.

'Hiya! Thanks! How are you?' he asked me. I could see he was ready to go on because he had his earpieces dangling around his neck.

'Im good! How long have you got before you go on?' I asked him.

'About 10 minutes so this isn't going to be long' he told me with a sad face.

'Okay. Sorry that I didn't text you back today! Eleanor drove us to the zoo! Paul and Lucy are ill today.' I told him.

'Its fine. Did you have a good time?'

'Yeah! It was really good! I'm at home now, Eleanor and Tom are both gone.' I tell him.

'okay!' I heard someone shout in the background. 'Babe I've gotta go! Love you! Bye' he said

'Bye' I whispered, even though he didn't hear it. I was just as nervous as him! I went and checked the calendar to see what day I was getting my cast off. I still had until next week that I had to have it on. For the rest of the night, I sat in the living room and watched the TV. I went on the laptop and went on twitter. All of the boys had posted tweets about their first performance and how they were really excited to do it again. By the time I had finished on the laptop and watching the TV, it was 9.30 and I was quite tired so I just went to bed. After I hobbled up the stairs, I got my pajamas on and brushed my teeth and set my alarm for the morning. I jumped into bed and put my bedside light off. The bed felt so big because Liam wasn't here to fill a space on his side. I drifted off to sleep.

***************** I'm skipping out about a month!!**************************

The last month was quite busy. Skype with Liam, look after Paul, Lucy and Tom, get my cast off, plan the wedding, which, I have done as much as I can without Liam. Now that I had my cast off I could do things easier now. Like going to wedding shows with Eleanor or going dress shopping.

I was in the playroom with Tom and Lucy and Paul. It was lunchtime and we were having spaghetti bolognese. I was helping Tom with his, spooning some into his mouth.

'Bella? Can we do some painting today?'Paul asked me.

'Yes! Of course! Once we have finished lunch I will get them out!' I told him. We finished out lunch and I carried the plates through to the kitchen. I put them in the sink and went back to the playroom. Once I had got the paints out, Lucy started painting straightaway.

'What are you all going to paint?' I asked them, looking at their blank peices of paper.

'Liam' Lucy said.

'Liam!' Paul said.

'Lia! Lia!' Tom wriggled in his high chair.

'You are all going to paint Liam? He would love that!' I told them laughing.

'I sure would' i heard a familiar voice behind me.

'LIAM!!' I shouted, getting out of my seat. 'What are you doing here?' I asked him.

'The shows have been cancelled. We had to come home. Either that or we stay in America for god knows how long!' he told me, wrapping me up in a big hug.

'Why? Whats happened?' I asked him, slightly puzzled.

'Havent you heard? America is expecting loads of snow to fall and we had to get home or we would be stuck because the airlines weren't flying any planes' he informed me, going over to sit at the table with the kids.

'Oh! You should have phoned!' I told him, sitting down as well.

'I wanted it to be a surprise! Louis and Zayn have done it to Eleanor and Perrie. Perrie had to come home too. But they came home yesterday' he told me, starting to paint a picture. We all finished our pictures and hung them up to dry.


sorry it took a while to write! I was busy all of yesterday and then I didnt have any charge left in my phone so I couldn't write today! Haha!! <3

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