Part 14!!!

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Part 14!!

'bye Lucy! Tell Paul to get better soon! Bye Angelina!' I said and shut the door. Tom wad away and now Lucy was too. Eleanor was going to come over tonight. I told her she could stay if she wanted. She said she would and that he would drive us somewhere tomorrow. She was coming over about 5 and we were going to order a Chinese. I went away for a shower and got some blankets out for Eleanor and I tonight. We were going to have a movie night. I texted Liam.

*Skype?xxx* he texted me back straightaway.

*Give me 10mins. Just away to get off the plane <3*

I went back to the kitchen and made myself a cup of hot chocolate. I sat down at the kitchen table, where I had put the laptop and opened it. Liam was calling, so I accepted it and saw him. He was sitting in a smaller room than earlier. This time he was sitting on a sofa. Niall was sitting beside him, again. I think those two are like glue. They are always with each other, and when they aren't, they are on the phone to each other!

'Hi babe!' Liam said, I could hardly hear him because of the bad signal.

'Hiya! How was your flight?' I asked him, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

'it was good! The seats were really comfy!' he told me. Typical Liam, find which seat is the comfiest and sit in it. He probably tested all of the seats out of the 6 that they had reserved.

'Okay!' I laughed.

'Those pictures the kids painted today were really good! Tom seemed pretty pleased with himself!' Liam said

'Yeah! I painted one too! Do you want to see it?' I asked him.

'Yeah!' he said

'I'll go and get it. Be a sec!' I told him before getting up and going over to the fridge. I took the picture off the fridge that Lucy had put there for me and she informed me that I had to keep it there. I brought it back over to the table and showed Liam, holding it up to the webcam.

'Wow babe! You really are missing me already!' he laughed. 'Thats a good picture though!' he added.

'Thanks babe!' just then, I heard the door open. It was eleanor.

'Bella?' she shouted.

'In here!' I told her and she came through.

'Hi! How are you?'she asked me.

'Im good! I'm just speaking to Liam. They have just landed in Ohio!' I told her. She came and sat next to me.

'Eleanor's here!' I told Liam.

'Hi!' she waved at Liam as she sat down. I heard Liam shout on Louis and he came over.

'Do you want a drink Eleanor?' I asked her, she was speaking to Louis.

'uhh yeah. What have you got?' she asked me as I got up.

'I don't know what you want. Do you want juice or hot chocolate or something'

'Yeah. Can I have a black coffee?' she asked, going back to speaking with Louis and Liam.

'Okay. I'll make you it' I said. I put water in the kettle and put it on. I got out a cup and put some coffee in it. Once the water was boiled, I poured it and took it over to where Eleanor was sitting.

'Thanks babe' she said. We spoke to the boys for a bit longer and then they had to go, so we said bye and then shut the laptop. Eleanor helped me tidy up the playroom, even though I had already done it, but she insisted on helping me. After we had tidied it, we went through to the living room and chose the films for tonight. We were going to watch 'The Notebook' and 'Marley and Me' and 'Bridesmaids'. We ordered a Chinese and waited for it to come. While we did, we got the blankets set out on the sofa and got our sweets that Eleanor had brought. We had agreed that she would buy the sweets and I would pay for the Chinese. When the doorbell rang, I went to answer it and Eleanor chose the first film. I opened the door

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