Chapter One - I don't even want to think of where that thing has been

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So sorry this took so long to get out. I've been very very sick for a while, and we're trying to figure out why. I will try and get things rolling quickly. I'm really excited to show a new side of Jezebel in this book and I hope you like it as much as I do. Please comment and vote!

I walked into the foyer of the Malfoy home, greeted in an almost fearful way by a few of Voldemort's cronies. Death Eaters didn't seem to suit them They were scared of a 16 year old girl, for Merlin's sake!

"Ah, Jezabel! Good to see you're up. Any news for me?" Voldemort asked in a surprisingly polite tone. I lowered myself onto the couch opposite him and shook my short blue head. I had been here over a month and He asked me the same question every morning. I was unsure what he expected me to say. I gave him bits and pieces I made up as time went on, fearful if he got nothing, I would no longer be useful to him. We all know what would happen then.

"Ah well. Maybe tomorrow. Ah, Jezabel, I have some news for you." He turned and gave me an unsettling smirk. "Bring him in."

I turned to the door to see the one person I was hoping I wouldn't see in the same room with Tom Riddle. Draco strode in purposefully, his expression blank and rigid. His white blonde hair was longer than I remembered and disheveled. His eyes were steel grey, but softened slightly when he locked eyes with me. He let out a small, barely audible gasp before steeling himself again and stopping some 6 feet away from Voldemort.

"Draco!" I gasped. I rose suddenly, but Voldemort raised a long thin arm.

"Now, now, Jezabel. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Draco is here to see me, not you you self-centered little girl. Crucio!" I was suddenly overcome with probably the worst pain I had ever felt. It was like the center of my body was on fire and drowning in acid at the same time. Everything was white hot. I felt my knees hit the floor, and suddenly, the pain was gone.

"I hope you don't think less of me, Jezabel. I merely needed to prove a point. Draco here is going to be almost as important in my plan as you are. And now he knows the consequence should he fail. As. Do. You." he hissed the last three words pointedly. A vision flashed across my eyes. Draco was hanging by his arms from some unseen force, his face blank and gaunt. His eyes stared blankly at me. A small trickle of blood flowed down his chin. I choked slightly, then forced my mind forward, willing the vision away.

"W-what do you need me to do?"

Before anyone could respond, a familiar billowy black figure strode into the room.

"Severus, so good of you to join us." He hissed with a thin smile. I closed my eyes, trying to reach out to Draco, trying to figure out why he would even be any where near Voldemort. I read his mind and saw his father, the blonde Death Eater from the Ministry, being led into Azkaban. I inhaled sharply and looked to Draco. He was staring intently at an imaginary spot on the wall. His eyes were dark,.circled with an obvious lack of sleep. I felt terrible.

"The children need to get supplies fire school, My Lord. Shall I escort them?" Severus said in a cold voice. Voldemort waved a thin pale hand and turned to face the fireplace, suddenly lost in thought. Snape grabbed my arm roughly and drug me out of the room, Draco's shoulder in his other hand. No one said a word for a long time.

"Well, how about that local sports team?" I said barely above a whisper. Draco looked at me, a small smile playing on his lips, but then it was like he remembered everything that was going on and he looked at the ground.

"Jezabel, the Dark Lord is getting impatient. He doesn't want to move forward with his plans without a definite answer from you. You have to give him something. Real or imagined, he needs to see SOMETHING in your thoughts. He is beginning to think you aren't as gifted as your mother, and that does not bode well for you. For anyone..." His voice almost cracked on the last word, but I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, heaven forbid the Dark Lord be disappointed in his lap dog." I scoffed and started to walk away from him, but it was like an invisible chain had itself wrapped around my waist, pulling me back. Not to Snape, but to Draco. I couldn't leave him there. Not alone, and not with them. I sighed and walked to Draco's side.

"Well, are we going shopping or not?"

So sorry updates are so slow. I am having a lot more trouble with this than I thought I would. I know what is going to happen, but it is hard writing it down.

So everyone is aware, don't expect nearly as much of the Golden Trio or Weasleys. This story is focused almost exclusively on Jezzie and Draco. I hope you guys like it! It will follow HBP, just not from the same point of view. Should be epic!

Love you bunches, but you know that, dontcha?

>3 D

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