Chapter 5 Walking the streets they used to know like shadows

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I sat for a moment, pondering what I should do here. Harry was like family, wasn't he?

He didn't seem like family at the train station, did he? A voice echoed in my head. None of them did. Not one of those pompous Gryffindors gives a hot damn about you anymore. You're the enemy. You're a traitor. You're...a Death Eater.

I slammed the door to the carriage open and stormed off the train. I knew it was true. I was the enemy now. They weren't my friends anymore.

I almost ran down Tonks, the Order's resident Morph, on my way up to the castle. The carriages were since gone.

"Oh, sorry!" I stumbled out, hiding my face in my dark blue hair, which was growing longer to complete the task.

"Jez! How-how are you?" she asked softly. The first person to show honest concern since Sirius had passed.

"Alive and kickin' so what more is there?" I replied in the most saccarine of sweet voices. I flashed her a grin and brushed my hair back. "Um, you might want to get back on the train, compartment 420. Harry's under his cloak and Petrified. I have to get up to the castle." i started forward again, but was held back.

"Jez, wait!" Tonks grabbed my arm and pulled me to her chest into a tight hug. "Just know, there are still people who have faith in you." she whispered into my ear. I felt tears float to the surface of my eyes, but I didn't care.

"Thank you." I choked out. She pulled me away from her and wiped my cheek.

"You're a Black. If you're as much like your uncle as Remus says, things are going to be just fine." She smiled at me and winked. I laughed lightly. The train whistle blew then, and Tonks jumped, stumbling forward slightly. I steadied her so she didn't fall, then watched her run toward the train to rescue Harry.

I blew the hair out of my forehead and started up the hill. I followed the fresh carriage tracks in the mud. I couldn't be THAT far behind the rest of my class, could I?

I finally reached the gates, only to find them locked. "Alohomora!" I tried, but to no avail. I could see the Anti-Intruder jinxes on the walls from down here. I huffed and slid onto the damp ground next to the gate, hoping Tonks and Harry had a better idea.

Just as I had gotten comfortable, a large wolf Patronus bounded past me and into the school. I tilted my head, trying to recall whose Patronus was a wolf, when I was hit with a vision. Tonks was kissing Remus Lupin. Ah. Wolf. It all made sense now. I chuckled lightly to myself, before spying Tonks coming up over the hill.

"Alohomora!" I heard Harry say.

"It won't work. I already tried." I said, brushing the dirt from my rear end.

"Dumbledore enchanted them personally." Tonks said. I eyed her with a small smile.

"I could climb over the wall." Harry suggested, purposefully avoiding my gaze."

"Anti intruder jinxes. Already checked." I replied.

"Security's been increased a hundredfold since last year." Tonks added.

"Well I guess I'll just be sleeping out here til morning then!" Harry said with a huff.

"I've sent someone for you. Look, here they come now." Tonks pointed to a lantern bobbing toward the three of us. Great, Flich is the last person I want to see right now, I thought to myself. I looked at a pale hook-nosed face, and retracted the thought.

"Well, well, well," sneered Snape, taking out his wand and tapping the padlock once, so that the chains snaked backward and the gates creaked open. "Nice of you to turn up, Potter, although you have evidently decided that the wearing of school robes would detract from your appearance. Hawthorne, too? Why am I not surprised?" Snape said with a sigh. I crossed my arms and grunted in response.

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