Chapter Two Weasels? I may have developed an allergy after all

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I entered Diagon Alley for the first time and was surprised. But it wasn't the same level of surprise that Harry had described. When he told the story, it was magical. Okay, bad word. It was breath-taking and beautiful. Like he had strode into a dream.

When I looked up and down the paths of THIS Diagon Alley, it was like striding into the bad side of Detroit on a post-storm Tuesday. Everything was boarded up and it was like the whole street was grey. All except for one building.

Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Seemingly the only open shop on the entire road. And it was packed. Students were filing into the front door in droves. I started for the storefront, but was grabbed and pulled back.

"Where are you going?" Draco demanded. I pulled free from his grasp and raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do I have to report to you?" I snapped, putting my hands on my hips. Draco smirked and stepped forward, placing a hand on my cheek.

"I've missed you." he whispered, pressing his forehead to mine. Snape turned away pointedly, his face stone.

" We have to keep up appearances. You know that, don't you?" I asked, trying my hardest to step away, but failing miserably. I had been so lonely the past few weeks. I felt like everything was wrong and I couldn't do anything to make it right.

"Hawthorne, Malfoy, we need to get a move on." Snape said softly. He turned back to face us, and I followed, but I didn't want to.

We gathered all the necessities for our next school year, and I wandered off toward the Weasley's joke shop, Draco not far behind. I spotted George behind the counter, collecting money for a purchase of what looked like a ball of cotton candy that hovered next to a small girl's shoulder.

"Yo, Weasley. Howzit?" I asked, feigning cheerfulness. George looked at me and smiled, then frowned.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be off with your new pal Malfoy and his Death Eater friends." he said harshly. I cringed slightly.

"Doesn't mean I can't shop, right? Where's-"

"Jezabel?" Fred stepped around the counter and grabbed my hands. He pulled up my sleeves and seemed to be inspecting my forearms.

"Fred, what ARE you doing?" I asked, chuckling. He pulled me into a hug and then seemed to remember who I was.

"Harry said you left with You-Know-Who, and we thought- never mind. What are you doing here? How-how are you?" Concern filled his eyes. Concern I didn't deserve.

"Peachy keen, jelly bean. Things seem to be going well for you also. Care to give me the tour?" George cleared his throat, and shook his head. Fred rolled his eyes and took my arm, leading me away from the counter.

"I've been so worried about you. What happened?" Fred asked, showing me around the store. I stopped periodically to look at different baubles, avoiding his gaze.

"I can't talk about it. But know it's for your own good. How is everyone? Ron? Ginny? H-Harry?" I choked on his name. The closest thing I had left to family, and he probably hated me.

"If I'm being honest? He hates you. But he thinks you're a Death Eater!"

" probably for the best." I whispered, picking up a small bag of sweets. Fred took them from me and put them in my jeans pocket.

"I know you better than that, Jez. I know you're doing what you think is right. Just be careful." He pulled my chin up to meet his gaze, and suddenly, I missed him. I missed the feeling of being totally safe. I pulled him into a hug and burrowed my face into his neck.

"Thank you, Fred. I am so sorry. For everything." I felt the warmth and dampness of my tears pooling against his skin. I sniffled and pulled back, forcing a laugh.

"I think you may have developed a Weasel allergy, Jezzie." Draco sneered from behind me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Shut up, Draco. Thanks for showing me around, Fred. I'll see you later." I shot him a small smile. Draco grabbed my arm and led me out the door to join Snape just off the beaten path.

"Jezabel, I want to apologize in advance, but you have to know it's for the best," Snape said, the look in his eyes frightening.

"What are you talking about, Severus?" I asked, stepping toward him.

"The Dark Lord...he's going to give you the mark."

Sorry this update took so long. I wrote it, then my computer ate it, and ugh! But I hope you like it! I am hoping to get updates out more quickly, but you know me and updating. Please vote and comment!

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