Chapter 3 This thing itches like you wouldn't believe!

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I entered the Malfoy home slowly, my hands shaking slightly. He was going to give me the Dark Mark? Why? I wasn't a Death Eater. I was a prisoner! Snape put his hand on my shoulder, and I felt him enter my mind.

'Appearances, child. If you want to get where you need to be to stop this, you MUST keep up appearances. I know you can fake it. Let's see your amazing acting skills at work.'

I smiled slightly and shook my head, shaking the negative thoughts from my head and plastering a smile on my face.

"Let's do this." I whispered more to myself than anything else. I took Draco's hand in mine for a moment, squeezing it tightly before letting go and walking into the foyer.

"Ah, children! So happy you've returned. Did you get everything you needed?" Voldemort's cold voice hit my ears. He had an eerie smile on his face, and I felt myself falter slightly, but I steeled myself and walked to his side.

"Of course, Sir. I was told you wanted to see me?" I asked with a smile. Bellatrix was standing in the corner of the room. I felt her gaze on me, and I turned to face her. I shot her a wide smile, and I swear she hissed at me.

"Both of you, join me here in front of the fire." he said softly, motioning with one white hand. Draco walked to my side, standing protectively in front of me. "Draco has been told what needs to be done this year at that school. I am sure he can fill you in. I do hate repeating myself." he stated casually. I clenched my fist. He was going to invade my school, I knew it. "Just so I can keep an eye on you, I want to make you one of my own. A great honor for children as young as yourselves, as I am sure you know." He pulled a wand from the sleeve of his robes. I stepped back slightly, but Voldemort grabbed my wrist. He pulled my sleeve up to expose my wrist.

"Kneel, girl." he hissed. I dropped to the floor and closed my eyes. He placed the tip of his wand to my skin and whispered something I couldn't hear. Suddenly, my arm started burning. I cried out and fell forward as Voldemort released my arm. It felt like my whole arm was on fire. "Draco, come forward." Voldemort hissed as I held my arm to my chest. He repeated the action with Draco, who fell forward slightly and hissed. He looked to me, his eyes bright and wet. I nodded slightly, telling him I was all right.

"Severus, take the children to bed. I have things." Voldemort said with a wave of his white hand, turning back toward the dining room. Snape pulled me to my feet by my arm and led me toward the large staircase in the entryway. He walked Draco and I to our bedrooms, then turned to face us.

"The Dark Lord trusts you. Do not take this lightly. Get some sleep. You head back to Hogwarts tomorrow." He turned and headed back down the stairs. Draco pulled me into his arms as soon as Snape was out of sight.

"I am so sorry, Jezzy." he whispered into my hair. He planted kisses on my cheek and neck. I snuggled into him and sighed.

"Well, we'd better get to bed. School tomorrow." I touched his cheek once with my not-on-fire hand before turning into my room and closing the door.

Sorry it's short. More soon! <3

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