Chapter 3

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Picture will be explained later in the chapter, be patient. Thank you ♥️

Anthony's POV

"Alicia I just can't do it anymore. I feel like our relationship is all about you and I've been fighting for it too long. You've played me multiple times and I'm emotionally drained. I can't keep crying over you when you don't give two shits about me. I think that it's best that we stay far away from one another and have no contact. I need to get over you Alicia. I will always have love for you but I'm done and I'm not taking no for an answer." I stated as I watched the unexplainable expression on her face.

"After all we have been through Anthony and you're going to do this to me? I thought you loved me. What happened to that?" She said teary eyed.

"Alicia I do love you and I always will, but I can't accept this from you anymore. You've done far worst to me than what I'm doing to you and it's only fair. The lies, the cheating. It's not fair to me that I try my hardest to be the best boyfriend to you and I have been since the 8th grade. We're seniors baby. I'm over it. Your little games, you're using me. You don't love me, but that's okay Alicia. I've finally came to my senses and I deserve better. Much better. You're beautiful baby, but your personality just runs over your beauty and I just can't find myself taking it anymore. I'm done." I said finally. It felt as though 300 pounds were lifted off my shoulders. I was done for real this time and I meant every word I said to her.

"I just don't understand where you're coming from, but if that's how you feel then so be it. I can't force you to stay with me and I won't try. I won't contact you and I will try to stay as far away as possible if that's what you wish. I hope you're happy, Anthony" she said begging for sympathy and attention, but I wasn't having it.

"Thank you. Don't forget that I love you and I was an idiot to ever fall in love with you but I did and I guess that's my fault." I said getting up to walk away.

I didn't believe her tears. They were fake. They were always fake and I was the dumbass who couldn't see it. I hate myself for wasting my entire high school experience on a no good hoe like her. I guess it took me meeting Taylor to realize that.

Taylor's POV

"I don't believe that", I said as I drove to school with Madison in the car.

"Yes bitch, he went over there last night once you went to sleep. He recorded the whole thing." She said as I was in shock.

"That can't be accurate because I know if I was with him since 8th grade I would not have let him leave. He told me he was going to break it off with her but of course I didn't believe that. That comes to show that she really did not care about their relationship in the first place. And it hurts me that he had to go through that" I said ranting.

"Why does it hurt you?" Madison asked chuckling.

"I'm not really sure", I said.

"Mmmhhhmmmm" she replied. "You look cute by the way" she added

"Thanks boo" I said. "My mom and dad had a lot of work to get done this morning so I have to go pick up Haley, it'll only take a few minutes", I said taking a "wrong turn" as Madison explained it.

"We better not be late cause of you" she said.

"Girl shut up" I said.

Madison's POV

"Hey Alicia, you look kinda down" I said

"Anthony broke up with me" she said begging for sympathy.

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