Getting Ready

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"Mum. Mum. Mum." I was repeating it over and over again, poking my mums shoulder to get her attention. She slammed down the magazine she was reading and took a breath it, calming her. 

            “Yes, Megan. What would you like dear? It better be important because you poked me for ten minutes,” She said calmly through her teeth.

            “Well, my most amazing mum in the world… Can I please go to a Meet and Greet now?!” I said, getting frustrated that I had gotten all my grades up, my lowest a B-, and here I am, with no tickets.

            “Well, your birthdays in two days, so I guess I can give them to you early,” She huffed, getting up from her seat and grabbing the tickets. A moment later, she handed me two, amazing, beautiful tickets…. Wait, two?

            “It’s so Paige can go too,” was her answer to my question. I ran and grabbed my iPhone off the counter, dialing Paige’s number. “Hello?” she asked. “Paige, its Megan! My mom got me two ‘Meet and greet’ tickets. Guess who I’m taking with me?!” I said excitedly into the phone.

            “Hmm,” she faked thought through the phone. “Me?” she asked laughing. “No, I’m taking Sandy from P.E. Of course I’m taking you!” I screamed.

            “Quiet!” My mum screamed from upstairs. I rolled my eyes, though she couldn’t see me.

            “Megan do you see what this means!? You get to meet Niall! You two can fall in love like in all the fan fictions…” she trailed off after that. Geeze, my life already is like one. The chances of that happening are one in a million. But, if it ever did, Id name my daughter Logan or Maison. I loved those two names.

.           “Megan? Megan!?” Paige said, dragging out my name the second time in a singsong voice. “Hmm? What?” I asked, like an extremely drunk person. “Logan and Maison? Who’s that?” She asked, confused.

            “Oh, nothing. Just what I want to name my kids…” I trailed off. “You mean Niall’s kids that you two have together?” She asked, laughing. I muttered a ‘shh’ and laughed along.

            “Well, you should come over, and we can consider what we shall wear,” I said. “It’s the day after my birthday. Close to Christmas, don’t you think?”

            “Eh, who cares! Where meeting One Direction!” She screamed. We said goodbyes, even though she would be here in 10 minutes.


            “This one! No, this one!” Paige said, throwing cloths at me. I had given up on catching them, letting them land on and around me, with a bored expression on my face. “Ah ha!” she screamed. I perked up, thinking she finally found something. “Na...” she said, tossing it in the ‘no’ pile.

            “Okay! Paige lets cooperate. I like this shirt,” I said holding it up, “And these skinny jeans. So this is what I’ll wear. Okay?” I asked, and she nodded slowly. “But-,“ I cut her off, “No, Buts.” I said sternly, and we both busted into laughter. I examined the simple, yet cute, outfit. A striped, long sleeved, baggy shirt, with ripped skinny jeans. I decided on brown boots.

            After another hour, Paige decided on a sweater with a heart, black skinny jeans, a cute hat for the cold weather, and toms. Along with a cute pair of sunglasses, just in case.

            “Finally, I think we got it!” I said cheerfully. My stomach grumbled. I looked at Paige, and we both smiled, nodding. “Pizza!” we screamed, charging down the stairs, racing down the street to our favorite Pizza Parlor. We got out usual. Just plain cheese… With parmesan cheese, of course.


I curled my dirty blonde hair into perfect ringlets, after dressing accordingly for my important appointment. Ladies and gentlemen, me being sophisticated…. Kind of?

“Girl?! You ready?” Paige asked. “Yes!” I screamed at her.

She drove because she has her license. It’s the day after my birthday and were on our way to the ‘M&G’. “Faster!” I screamed at her, trying to get there early. “That’s what she said…” she mumbled. “Pervert,” I playfully snapped.

            We pulled into the parking lot, surprisingly only about 50 people on line so far. We got into line, waiting and waiting. “Paige? Do you think I’m pretty enough for Niall?” I asked, suddenly feeling insecure about my appearance. I then felt a sharp pain in my arm, where Paige slapped me. “Say it again and it’s your face. You’re perfect so shut up!” She said.

 “Bitch. You didn’t need to slap me.” I smiled at her. We laughed it off until we had two more spaces to go. Oh my god. It’s really happening.

“I can’t do it. I can’t,” I whispered to Paige. She looked at me like a had been listening to The Wanted. “Yes you can, and you will,“ She said. I shook my head.

“Paige, I can’t do it!” I said louder. She just grabbed my arm and pulled me through the doors. I thrashed and pulled, until he fling me in front of her, “Tell me why,” she said bluntly.

“Because. Did you see how many pretty people there were out there? I will never compare to them. I feel like crap coming in here to meet famous, amazingly cute boys who have met models, other singers, and so many perfect people. I can’t stand there and fake smile, knowing the probably think Im the ugliest thing alive. I can’t do it!” I finished my statement, feeling a hand on my shoulder. Crap. 

Perfectly Imperfect ~ Niall Horan Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now