Chapter 11

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My morning starts off with Marlee jumping on me and shaking my arm to get up. I adjust my eyes to the brightness as I slowly sit up from the bed. My nose scrunches up in confusion once I realized that there's nothing to get hyped up about.

Her tiny legs run to the circular window and points at an island that the boat is headed to.
My eyes winded as I took in the clear waters with white beaches. Even I wanted to play out there like a five year old.

I pick her up and she responses by swinging her legs in the air, making it difficult to have a hold of her. I walk over to the suites living room and spot Robin making what looks to be a fruit bowl.

"Finally someone is up!" She smiles while cutting up strawberries, "you missed the announcement."

I scratch my head in confusion and answer. "What do you mean?" I half said cause I was yawning.

"They announced that today we will be landing at the island, Castaway Key." Robin answers with a straight face. I noticed that her rubrics went up with every syllable she spoke.

"Oh an island that sounds like fun l, right Marls" I say with excitement to Marlee. She nods in agreement eagerly and steals a strawberry from Robin's fruit salad.

Her nose scrunches up with disgust, "mommy your breath stinks." She waves her hand in front of her nose while I'm realizing I didn't brush my teeth. Robin bursts out laughing as I join her. I spin around to walk to the bathroom to obey Marlee's commands.

I walk back to the mini living room and see Marlee watching Mickey Mouse while eating a fruit bowl. I walk over to Robin and grab a bowl of my own.
"Yogurt?" She says while handing me the dairy.

"Is that even I question." I respond while pouring some all over my fruit.
"Did they say what time we will get to Castaway Key?"

"I heard three in the afternoon." Robin says not making eye contact with me. "Well, don't you think it's early to land in an island, I mean it's day four of the eighteen day trip." I barely make out my words with blueberries and kiwis in my mouth. I have a bad habit off talking with food in my mouth.

Robin shrugs and a throws a blueberry and catches it with her mouth. I know that's a simple talent, but I can't do that even if my life depended on it.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" Marlee says quickly as she's jumping up on down, her little ponytails flying everywhere.

I look over in her direction to let her know I'm paying attention to her and she runs around in circles before jumping on me. I huff as the force comes and try to calm her down in my arms.

"Today, Robin said I get to meet Belle!" She says getting louder and louder. I'm pretty sure the neighbors hate us. I smile and adjust her on my hip. "Of course, you'll meet all the princess." Robin says from the kitchen.

"But you'll always be my little princess." I whisper and plant a small kiss on her forehead.


"2 more hours and where under the sun!" Robin says with excitement, were walking around the cruise looking inside all the shops. It's really difficult when you have a four year old who wants everything in her touch.

"Can't wait." I roll my eyes and look in the jewelry section in this huge shop with countless Mickeys. I look around and see Robin telling Marlee we can't get a stuffed animal from the other side of the store.

Suddenly my eyes are covered with big pale hands and my reaction was to kick my back and violently hit the persons chest. Yeah I used to take self defense...

I quickly turn around seeing Chandler on the floor covering his...male part. Oh shoot that's where I kicked! I quickly say sorry a thousand times and help him get up.

"Really? A kick in the balls." He groans out, obviously still in pain.

It takes everything inside me not to burst out laughing as I respond with a shrug, "you scared me." It's kinda obvious that I'm smiling but in kinda worried, I didn't kick him that hard. Did I?

"Now I know not to sneak attack you." He says as my pushes his hair revealing his bright blue  eyes. I swear they got brighter since last night.

We laugh at his comment. Then things gets awkward. I flip my hair out of my face and adjust my small black backpack, which was thrown to the floor when I kicked him.

"So..what are your plans when we land?" He asks quietly and shyly. I smile because he sounds like a shy seven year old.

"Oh probably Robin and Jason will spend some time with us and then leave to go to the beach or whatever. But Marlee and I are just going to wander around and check out the actives for kids." I say while looking around the store.

" parents aren't going to leave the cruise and Gray is staying here because he is boring." He makes eye contact with me for a second before shyly turning away,"and it's kinda lame if I look around by myself so..."
He looks up with pleading eyes asking me to finish the sentence.

" yeah of course you can met up with us, just give us a call a few hours after we dock." I say with a shrug. I try not to smile when I see Chandler blush (yes he blushed) in the corner of my eyes.

I see blond pigtails make their way towards me.

"Mommy mommy, can we get ice cream please please please." She says in the baby voice jumping up and down, while holding my hand.

I gesture to her telling her that Chandler is here. She looks over to him and hugs him tightly, while saying nothing.

"Mommy I know Mr. Chan would get me ice cream." She says while Chandler smiles and adjusts her so that she's on his shoulders.

I sigh and give up. "Alright let's get ice cream."

18 Days // C.RWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt