Part 6- Day Off

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Alex had crossed her legs patiently as she sat in the waiting room at the vet's office. She and her father had come here to get Cheetah checked over, and so far, she was bored.

"How much longer?" she asked, she was now scared for the young cat.

"They have to be thorough, Alex," said Ji. "You want Cheetah to be 100%, don't you?"

"Of course," Alex said as her dad looked at her and smiled. She had never been patient, and he saw that as part of why she had been chosen by the fire element as a ninja, and he sometimes wondered if snow was her actual element in the Samurai realm.

"I'm just bored. I should have asked Jayden or Kevin for a book!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out her Samuraizer.

"Yuki is the kanji symbol for snow," Alex said under her breath as she flipped through the pictures she had taken with Jayden not to long ago. She was thankful that had they been saved to the morpher. It acted like an actual cellphone as well as a connection to the morphin' grid. The door to the vet's office opened and a young female with red hair stepped out, she was carrying Cheetah in her arms. Which made Alex excited as she was able to see her beautiful and loving cat again, who practically jumped into her arms and began to snuggle.

"Cheetah!" Alex said as she stood relieved and accepting her cat from the doctor. The cat purred and nuzzled Alex's cheek with her head. The doctor smiled at the interaction and turned to Ji.

"Everything seems perfectly normal," she nodded. "No signs of any diseases. It would seem that she has had all her necessary shots, so there isn't much that I really need to do for her."

"So she can go home?" Ji asked, observing as his daughter loving on her cat. Alex had always been good with animals and with Cheetah is was no different. They had had a dog named China as well when she was growing up that went everywhere with the twins and had always been their protector. But she had passed away when the girls were only 11, but their mother had told them they would see her again and they had accepted it but they still missed China.

"Just keep an eye on her," the Doctor nodded.

"If anything seems out of the ordinary bring her straight back, but I don't think you should have any problems." Ji nodded and shook hands with the young vet, and they just smiled as they looked at one another. The red head looked familiar to Alex but she couldn't quite place it.

"Thank you!" he said.

"Bye Cheetah," the vet smiled, scratching the gentle cat behind the ears.

"Good luck, Alex, from what I have seen, Cheetah is lucky to have you. I have never seen a cat this well behaved either." Alex smiled, she had a way with animals. Hunter and Cam would laugh when she would bring in a dog and that dog stayed with her until they found her actual owner after a monster attack.

"Thanks, Doctor," she said. "I'll take good care of her!"

"I'm sure you will," Ji smiled and nodded once more at the doctor, placed his hand on Alex's shoulder and led her from the office. It was not a long walk with the cat carrier to the house as Alex looked at her as she smiled.

"Emily!" Alex called as she raced through the Shiba house. "Emily! I've got good news."

"What's that, Lex?" Emily asked as the White ranger slid to a halt in front of the dojo.

"How did it go at the Vet's office?" Mia asked, as Alex smiled.

"Cheetah has a 100% clean bill of health!" she grinned.

"We just need to keep an eye on her, and if anything changes she has to go straight back, but other than that she's good as gold. She also got a compliment on her behavior." Alex said as she gently brushed her hand over the cats face and smiled as she looked down at the innocent little thing.

"So we can keep her?" Emily asked.

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