Part 7- Sticks and Stones

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Emily watched as Ji tried to get a hold of Alex on her Samuraizer, but he knew how Alex was when she was hurting like she was right now. She got up in the middle of the night and left, and with a small note that just for them to find that morning. 

I am sorry to do this to you all but I know it is for the best if I leave for a little while. After all you need the red ranger, not the white.- Sincerely, Alex

"Did Mentor sleep at all last night?" Emily asked, taking her stool beside Mike. As they had learned how Alex was, she was the strong one, the good one. She had always kept her mind in one peace but something had happened and that something was not easy. 

"No," Kevin answered. 

"He's done nothing but stare at the map, as if Alex's going to walk around town and morph so we know where she is. I don't know why she left the letter the way she did." Kevin looked at it once again, her hand writing very clear as her hand was written in a delicate script. 

"He's worried about her, Kev," Mia said.

"We all are. It's not like Alex to run away, but something happened that she would do this. Has she ever done anything like this before, Jayden?" she added, turning to the Red ranger. Jayden, who had been pretty much silent since yesterday, jumped at the sound of his name.

"What?" he asked startled, realizing something was going on in his head. His mind was running as she looked at him and knew it was one thing he was not expecting her to do. She was always so calm and loving but something was happening right now, and he knew what he was going to have to apologize but he had something inside of him that he didn't understand and kissing her, but it didn't feel right but for the moment- he couldn't think of anything else to do. Alex was engaged to marry Hunter, why had he done that? Why? 

"Are you OK, dude?" Mike asked. Looking at him and knew this was going to be something he had to handle and take care of. His mind was lost, and she was out there trying to think of a way to be able to go back and handle all of this and make her mind somewhat stable again and how to tell the man she was going to be married to that he had kissed her. He wish he could take it back and be normal again, at least in their relationship. 

"I'm fine," Jayden nodded. 

"And no, Mia, this is the first time Alex has ever gone missing like this. She and Aria are the ones who helped me understand who I was growing up after my dad's death and her mother's passing. 

"I could have told you that," Mike said as he looked at him, but only to the first part of the conversation. 

"Alex was never the same after the death of her mother, but I do know you were going to ask." He explained to her. Mia sighed and looked down at her breakfast.

"Then why has she run off now?" Mia frowned, contiplating what could have made her run like this. 

"There has to be a reason, doesn't there?"

"Of course there's a reason," Emily nodded, scooping up Cheetah as she brushed against the Yellow ranger's legs.

"Alex has everything here, why would she want to give that up?" Jayden swallowed the lump in his throat. He had a pretty good idea why Alex had run off, he just couldn't tell the others. He couldn't not yet anyway, after all they had kept their relationship quiet for over three weeks but when he had done what he had- he knew he had hurt her.

"Look, guys, i'm sure Alex's fine," he said, trying to calm them down.

"How can you say that, Jayden?" Mia asked.

"She's your best friend! She's probably scared out of her mind!" Emily nodded. "If she's fine, why hasn't she called yet?" she questioned.

"What if something bad has happened to her? Or a Nighlok has found her..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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