Memories: Part 2

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Draco POV
The scene changed into Hermione's sixth year...

He watched devastated as all horrible things happened from Potter and mione kissing to his memory self and weaslette kissing...

The scene changed to that dreadful day in which Draco had to kill Dumbledore...
Dumbledore was on the terrace weak and exhausted...

Beside him were harry and Hermione both pointing their wands at... Weasley?

'You... You tried to kill him' snarled harry.

Ron's face turned into a smirk 'Of course, Potter. It would be too dumb of you to even under-'

'I knew it. I definitely knew you had a thing to do-'

'Say another word and' he smiled then pulled up his sleeve to show the dark mark...

Then Draco realized it... Somehow his and ron's roles had been swapped... But how?

'I, Ron Longbottom have sworn myself to the dark lord and will do anything to accomplish my goal.'

'Expelliarmus' he shouted.
'Move aside both of you.'
'You have to go through me' said harry.
'And me' said Hermione but Draco wasn't listening...

His mind was spinning... He was sure he heard Longbottom instead of Weasley. But of course that couldn't be possible.

'Step aside' he sneered lip curling.

'I will-'

Suddenly the door collapsed and instead of death eaters, a boy came in... Neville Longbottom.

'Dear brother, it has been a long time.'

'Step aside Neville' Ron snarled 'This is no matter for blood traitors like you-'

'It is you who are a traitor. You know what they did to our parents-'

'They did it for the better. Neville, join me in my ranks and he shall reward you.'

Neville spat on the ground 'I don't want to be rewarded. And I might as well die instead of being with filth. After all that, you still chose the wrong path. Don't you understand? They have brainwashed-'

'I am well aware what I am doing, baby brother-'

'For that you shall pay' Neville snarled.

'Try me-'

But he was cut off as harry slammed him into the wall.

Draco was sure now that Ron was a Longbottom in this memory... Everything had gone upside down... The universal balance had collapsed...

The scene changed.

'No you, can't go. Harry, listen to me-'

'No. I have to stop this, Hermione. Is started this and I have to end it. For you. For all of us.'

And Draco had to bear another of their snogging session which made him want to yell cut the fuck up...

He watched as harry duelled with voldemort and they both shouted the killing curse at the same time...

And watched as the red lights hit both of them square in the chest...

And suddenly he heard a voice from behind 'Mr Malfoy, can you please explain what you are doing here in my office at this point of time?'

Draco finally looked up.
He was alive.
He looked up to see the blue twinkling eyes of his ex headmaster.

Albus Dumbledore was alive.

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