The Daily Prophet

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Draco pov
'So what?'
'So what in merlin are we gonna do?'
'Um I hadn't really thought of that-'
'Guys cut it out' said harry.

'How about we ask tom?' asked Luna.
'The bartender, of course.'
'Yeah, right. So what should we ask him?'

'How about we ask him what is happening?' Suggested Luna.
'Because I feel like I am walking through something similar but not familiar if you know what I mean.'

'Honestly Luna, no one ever knows what you mean but I sure agree that something weird is on.' Said ginny.

'Maybe you guys should hear my part first' said Draco. 'And then hear what I fear is going on'

Draco knew what was going on. Or at least it was a possibility.
He started telling them about the other Hermione. He told them everything up till the point where Dumbledore found him.

There was absolute silence. No one said thing not even bloody Weasley.
'So what do you think is going on?' Harry asked.

'I think that the other dimension Dumbledore did a mistake. I think that we did not land in our dimension. We landed in the wrong one.'

'Please say that I am wrong'
But he knew he wasn't. Whatever doubt he had earlier was now gone. Once he said it he knew it was true.

He knew that he had yet another chance to escape. Escape his doom.
Harry POV

'Did you see the prophet' asked Malfoy.
Harry nodded grimly.
'Now let's talk strategy, Potter. We have to take advantage of this.'

'And how exactly are you planning to do that?'

'The prophet says the burial is today night. It's seems they are keeping this night for mourning for all the deaths that happened.'said Hermione.

'Funny that they didn't think about that when you were alive.' retorted Draco.
Harry ignored him.
'What's the plan, Hermione?'

'We need to hide this dimensions harry. You have to pretend as him that you are alive.'
'But that's mean and serioisly cruel—'
'No it isn't' interrupted draco.

He passed harry the prophet.
He saw the front page

He flipped the page and saw the next headlines
He saw himself waving at him.

He looked up.
'Yeah,I have seen all of this' said harry.
'Here, in the right hand corner.'

Harry saw a small article with Hermione and Draco's faces.

'Two imposters were spotted in Hogwarts by Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and Professor Minerva Mcgonagall.

They were disguised as two seventh year students of Hogwarts who fought in the war. Not just any seventh years, they were disguised as the only living golden trio- Hermione Jean Granger and Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Further more, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore has say in this that...'

Continued at page 9.

'Take a look at the last page as well.' Said Draco.

'Last night after the fight between the chosen one and you-know-who, a death eater disguised as Draco Malfoy tortured Hermione.

He used the unforgivable curse- the imperius curse for helping defeating the dark lord. This makes clear that even though the dark lord is dead, his followers are still targetting the golden trio.

Danger has not gone for Draco and Hermione. The identities of these death eaters are not known but Albus Dumbledore is trying his best to find out and put them in Askaban.

6 pm -
Interview with Hermione Granger.

'This means only one thing.'
Hermione looked at him expectantly.

'Tell the others. We are leaving.'
'Where?' Asked Malfoy
'Where we need to be' said harry.

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