Dumbledore Strikes

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Harry pov
'So guys what's the plan' Asked Draco.

'What's the need of a plan? We just swap harry and his dead mate there, right? There's not even much security, just 4 dumb people—'

'4 armed guards is much suited but that's not the point. It could be a trap. Dumbledore could be on this.' Said Draco.

'Then' said harry 'we will just have to take our chances. Let's do it fast, there are only' He looked at his watch '20 whole minutes before the first guest shows up.'

'Yeah then we should do it. Luna and Ginny are staying as backup. Ron and Hermione know what to do—'

The other Hermione interrupted 'Ron Longbottom is here? Cut the deal, I am not making any deals with you guys if you are there with that bastard. And I don't care whether he is of another freaking dimension—'

'Cut it out. No, I  swear there is no Ron Longbottom with us. We do have a Ron though, he is Ron Weasley.'

'But my point is he's a bastard, right?'

'Yeah, you got that right but get on up with the deal' said Draco casually 'I can help you in killing that bastard later on. Feel free to do some shooting practice on him.' Smiled Draco.

'Draco!' Said Hermione.
'Yeah sure, thanks for the offer, Draco.' Said the other Hermione.

'Guys we are short on time here. Let's beat those guys up there and go on with the plan' said Neville in a voice meaning that he meant business.

'Yeah, you're right, Neville. Let's go.' Said harry trying his best to match Neville's tone.
Harry POV
They had easily managed to sneak up on the guards and disarm them and Obliviate them into forgetting what they had witnessed.

'So I guess, it's bye guys and it's hello to a coffin I don't exactly think is refreshing.' Sighed harry.

'Get going with this shit, Potter.'
'Nice to know you, too Malfoy.'

On opening the lid he was confused as hell because where a dead body was supposed to be present there was nothing.

The coffin was empty as if it had always been empty. Suddenly alarms started to blare.

'There was no mourning' said harry. 'It was a trap.' He said.

'But who set it up?' Asked Neville.

'Albus Dumbledore' replied Draco. 'The people were warned about this. Dumbledore once again struck with a master plan.'

'Well what are we waiting for? Let's get moving. We certainly don't watch him to catch us.' Said ginny.

Harry turned towards the other  Hermione.
'Did you know about this?'
'Trust Me. I hate lies.'
'I am just as confused as you.'

'I bet you aren't. You're just having fun keeping us in the dark. Enjoying this, i suppose' snapped Draco.

'Guys there's no point in having her unless she is of use.'said harry.

'Then it's time to use Dark Magic once again.' Said Draco absolutely expressionless.

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