Battle Till The end

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It was only seconds before the volturi would arrive .

Fear was knocking on my door .

I was sure that this time we wouldn't just talk,like when they came to try and kill Nessi we barely made it out then , which made me wonder if she was going to die tonight, no stop don't think like that I told myself I swear I will protect her with all my might.

"thank you Jacob"Edward said .

He must have been reading my thoughts again it really annoyed me when he did that .


This was it , my chance to rein over the hole vampire world I just had to get the cullens out of the way and I knew just knew that the mutt they carry around is my key, my key to Eternal royalness. My key to having power and ruling over the vampire world and to have people fear me.

"Jane dear "

"yes aro"

"Bring me a snack get one for yourself to you would not want to be weak for the fight now would you"

"ofcourse not aro"

at that moment Dimitri walked in, cauis not far behind

"aro everything is set and everyone is ready after today the cullens will be no more"

"oh Dimitri don't get your hopes up I only want one thing and one thing only and it is to have the do- .... Jacob join us"

"But why he isn't even a vampire he is just a filthy dog "

"Now now cauis dont speak i'll of others you see he may be just a wolf but when I release my venom into him he will officially become one of us"

"But wouldn't he die... I mean he is a wolf and when they are bitten by a vampire they die don't they?" Dimitri asked

"do you remember when Jane bit him he didn't die did he?.

My theory is that Jane's venom wasn't strong enough to turn him but I'm sure mine will be"

"yes master" they both said in unison

"go get everyone we leave now".


I was able to see some hooded figures appear and aro was Leading them here .

The field was divided into two by both our witnesses and theirs .

Aro stepped forward Carlise mimicked him

"What a pleasant surprise "Aro said he said such a sooting relaxed vocie a bit like carlise's but yet so disgusting.

"The pleasure is mine"Carlise replied

"The thing is I don't want anything to do with you and the others, I just want the wolf hand him over and you all go free" Aro said.

Who does he think he is asking for me like im some dog.

"Well see the thing is we can't give him to you " carlise said

This made me a bit more happy to see that atleast carlise wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Fine then we will just have to-"

I had cut him off before he had a chance to continue

"Don't I get a say in this seeing as it is me you are fighting over"

"go ahead then what do you have to say" aro hissed

"over my dead body will I ever join you"

"well technicaly you will be dead " aro pointed out

"enough chit chat now im here to clam what I came for .........ATTACK"

All the vampires launch out at us they were mostly trying to get to me everyone did what they could to stop them.

Three vampires came into my path I quickly phased into a wolf and so did the rest of the pack and in no time the three vampires had their heads ripped off them.

The wolves stayed by my side.

I wanted to avenge Sam I was going to kill aro myself I launched at him in full speed with the pack on my tail before I knew what happen I was grabbed by a vampire then another and another they all over powerd me I was surprised that they haven't killed me yet.

Instead they were dragging me across to where aro stood he wasn't fighting he was just watching with satisfaction as soon as I was infront of him all the volturi's people began to retreat or should I say what was left of them.

"now Jacob it would be great if you cooperated and phase back to your human form"

I growled at him

"looks like were goimg to do it the hard way ....Jane"

within seconds I heard jane say "pain".

Someone collapsed on the floor it was Reneesme why wasn't Bella shielding her .

"I guess your wondering why Bella's shield isn't working well..Alex here has a very special power"aro retorted .

When the mentioned of the name Alex a hood man steped forward and reviled his face.

"you see Alex has the power to penetrate shields"aro said

I turned my head and saw Reneesme still in pain I turned and looked at Bella and Edward i'm sure if Bella could still cry she would be right now.

I finally gave in and phased back Aro quickly handed me a robe to cover my parts in .

"Now where were we "

"First make the leech stop" I said refering to Jane

"Jane play times over" aro said

Jane backed down and let go of the force she had on Nessi .

I turned to see if Nessi was ok she was seeing as she already got up and her parents were by her side as I turned back Aro pounced on me digging his teeth Into my skin

I suddenly felt pain everywhere I couldn't move I lost all my sences but I still had the sence of sight and touch.

I saw Reneesme trying to run to me as her parents held her back she was crying I remembered I never like it when she cried I just wanted to get up to embrace her but I couldn't I felt like I was glued to the floor.

I senced somebody pick me up off the ground it was Dimitri he and the rest of the people in robes turned and left like nothing ever happened.

Author's note: OoooooOOOo Jacob is transforming anyone have any suggestions as to what I could write for the next chapter plzs vote and comment it would mean a lot.

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