Chapter 5: Quidditch

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As they entered November, the weather had turned cold and grim. Hermione and Harry had switched their place in the library closer to the roaring fire because it was that cold. Theo had joined them several times now. Ever since he had helped Harry recue Hermione the two tolerated each other. They didn't really talk when they were together with Harry, both focusing on their homework, but it was progress and Harry's homework was enjoying this progress as well. He was helped by two geniuses now and he could use all the help he could get with their first Quidditch game that Saturday. It was Slytherin against Gryffindor. If Slytherin won they would be leading in the house cup. If Gryffindor won they would be second. The day before Harry's first Quidditch match he, Hermione and Theo were standing outside, warming themselves at a fire the girl had conjured, when they were approached by the Weasley twins.

"Hello there, Harry." Fred, according to Hermione, said.

"We heard you were playing for Slytherin tomorrow." George said smiling.

"As a seeker! The rumour goes,"

"You could be better than our dearest brother, Charlie."

Harry looked at the Weasley twins, stunned they knew about him being Seeker. Flint wanted to keep it a secret but somehow it had been leaked apparently.

"Yeah. He's the seeker." Theo answered, looking at the twins. "You are the beaters from Gryffindor, aren't you?" He asked curious.

"Yes, we are." Fred spoke.

"Now you know who we are, may we know your identity?" George asked amused, looking down on the three first years.

"This is Theo, a friend of me and Hermione." Harry introduced him. "How did you know about me being seeker?" He asked curious.

"Got a little chat with that chaser of you, Kali Knight." Fred said amused.

"She caught us sneaking around in the castle." George smiled.

"You get along with Kali?" Theo asked surprised.

"We had a prank war with her and Michaels once." The twins shrugged. "She's nice for a Slytherin."

"And an awesome Quidditch player as well."

"A prank war? But she's a prefect!" Hermione said shocked. She apparently had forgotten that Hagrid had mentioned something about that one already.

"So?" Fred smirked at her. "She's smart enough to not be caught."

"So, you've had a prank war... who won?" All four boys looked surprised at the girl who shrugged her shoulders. "It's not because I have respect for the rules that I don't enjoy a good prank once in a while." Fred chuckled and George smiled at the little Gryffindor.

"You should stick with us then." George informed the girl amused.

"And it was duck's egg." Fred chuckled. "We got caught because of Knight. Was their final joke. We could teach you to be a trickster." He winked at the brunette.

"Anyway." George said, shaking his head while he looked at his brother and the first year Gryffindor. "We just came to wish you good luck for the game tomorrow."

"Thanks. Good luck as well." Harry answered. The twins left and the three of them watched them leaving, crossing path with a limping Snape. The three first-years quickly gathered around the fire a bit closer to keep it out of sight, not wanting to give the Professor a reason to dig points from Gryffindor, being the loyal friends they were.

"Why would he be limping?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe he was on duty to feed the dog on third floor." Theo joked. The three of them chuckled and turned around again to warm themselves a bit more. Harry had told Theo everything about the third floor and after he had scowled about him being an idiot for not just letting Weasley getting detention he had started to laugh. The idea of Dumbledore telling the truth about dead being waiting for them was very funny to him. After a couple more minutes standing gathered around the fire, they decided to go to the library so Hermione could check Harry's homework. On their way, the three of them passed Weasley and his two friends, Finnegan, and Thomas.

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