Chapter 7: Nicolas Flamel

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Dumbledore had asked the boys to not go and look for the mirror, so the invisibility cloak stayed folded in Harry's trunk for the rest of the holidays. Harry wished he could forget what he had seen in the mirror but every night he woke up, panting from another nightmare where his parents disappeared in a green light flash. Theo had nightmares himself, although he didn't talk much about them. The twins, who noticed the two boys being a bit off decided to cheer them up, asking for their help with pranking Filch. And it helped, although Hermione wasn't pleased with them when she heard about it. She had returned the day before term started again and although she had been disappointed with them not finding anything about Flamel, she couldn't keep an amused smile away when one of the jokes backfired on the twins a week after term started, turning their hair a bright green.

"You can support Harry in the next game." She told them amused.

"We need his support." Fred said, chuckling when he saw his brother.

"We're first, next game is against Hufflepuff. If we win," George said, slapping his brother when he started to chuckle again.

"We'll be duck's egg. And you will need any support you can get." Fred stated, winking at Harry. "Now, how are we going to stop this?" He muttered.

"Why don't you use Finite Incatatum?" Hermione offered, blushing a bit when all eyes were on her.

"That's bloody brilliant!" George complimented her. Chuckling they left the twins, leaving for the library to look, once more, for Nicolas Flamel. They probably had read every single book in there Harry ever had seen and still they didn't know who he was. But still, Harry was sure he had seen the name before. When they approached the library, Hermione hissed. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were taunting Neville again.

"Leave him alone!" She hissed at the three Slytherins. Theo frowned and stayed a bit behind Harry who followed his friend quickly, muttering something along the lines of 'Granger always needs to play the hero and it's rubbing of on Harry'.

"What were you going to do, mudblood?" Malfoy spat, his eyes flickering dangerously.

"She could hex you into oblivion." Harry threatened.

"Ah Potter, enjoyed your holyday lonely in the castle." He taunted. Theo grumbled, knowing he probably should intervene, being the good friend he was.

"Just leave it, Draco." He said. Malfoy looked over Harry's shoulder, being surprised to see his friend there.

"Nott, I didn't know you stuck up for Mudbloods... Did you sink so low?" Harry growled but Crabbe and Goyle were quickly enough to roll their muscles and stepping forwards. Hermione watched at the boy in surprise. He shrugged.

"Call it what you want. I'm not looking for trouble. Anyway, I just saw Mrs. Norris leave so I should quit it." He lied smoothly. "I don't want to lose house points."

Malfoy and his two friends pulled a face and turned away from Neville and the others. Before they left, he looked at Theo.

"Did you see Blaise?"

"I thought he would be with you." Theo said shrugging. "Maybe he's with Adrian." Malfoy nodded before leaving quickly.

"Finite Incatatum." Hermione muttered, ending the hex on Neville.

"You should go to McGonagall." Hermione said.

"I don't want more trouble." The boy said miserably.

"You really need to learn to stick up for yourself, Neville." Harry muttered, shaking his head. "Malfoy is bullying you way too long now."

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