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Miranda could hear her alarm ringing at 6.45am at this Friday morning. Still sleepy she reached out her free arm to hit the stop button. When she finally completely opened her eyes she could see two beautiful girls sleeping next to her in the huge double bed. She immediately had to smile. She cautiously slipped her arm from behind their heads and slowly walked to the bathroom, closing the door quietly from inside. With a look in the mirror while brushing her teeth she happily thought about last afternoons events.

Miranda was waiting in front of the school building. She nervously stepped from one foot to the other. Roy had parked the car a few steps away from her. Then she finally spotted a group of young girls walking towards the bus stop. And there they were. Her two redheaded daughters were laughing out loudly while walking between the other girls. One of their friends looked around and stopped her eyes at Miranda. She excitedly turned to Caroline and whispered something into her ear. Caroline looked up from her phone and the first shocked expression on her face quickly turned into a smile. Also Miranda had an honest smile on her face. It seemed like eternity that she had actually spent time with her daughters. She could see Caroline ramming her elbow into Cassidy's side what made her turn around madly to face her sister. The group was only a few meters away from Miranda now and the girls started running towards their mother who welcomingly opened her arms to hug them. Their friends stopped behind them. Some of them really excited to see The Miranda Priestly right before them.

"What are you doing here mom?" Caroline asked a little confused. They normally got picked up by Louise because Miranda was always busy.

"I thought you two might like to spend some time with your mother. Was that wrong?"

"No, of course not! We are just a little surprised."

Cassidy noticed her friends giggling behind her. They quickly came to a stop when she turned around and gave them a look but she could still see the excitement in their eyes. They of course knew who Miranda Priestly was. Actually everybody in their class knew it and that was sometimes giving Caroline and Cassidy a hard time. Everybody knew their mother. Some of them admired her work, some were just excited to know someone famous through the twins and some were envious. They said disgusting things about Miranda to insult the twins and even though they were used to that and tried to stay strong it mostly didn't work. Also nearly every teacher knew Miranda and it was very easy to figure out who could stand her and who not.

"Roy could you take their bags please?" Miranda asked her driver who was by now waiting in front of the silver car. He came closer with a smile and put Caroline and Cassidy's school bags into the trunk.

Miranda laid on arm around each of them after they said Goodbye to their friends leaving a group of flashed girls behind. They jumped on the backseat of the car and Miranda told Roy to start.

"Where are we going mom?" Cassidy asked her mother full of excitement. "I thought we could get some ice cream and go shopping if you'd like."

"Yes!" Caroline and Cassidy said at the same time.

It made her so happy to see the sparkle in her daughters' eyes.

"And what about pizza and a movie when we get back home?" Their smile grew even brighter at Miranda's suggestion.

Miranda smiled against her mirror image when she could hear noises coming from her bedroom. She put the toothbrush back in the mounting and washed her face. She opened the door and could see two red-haired heads surface out of the blankets. The girls stared at Miranda and all of a sudden all three of them bursted into laughter. They jumped out of the bed and hugged their mother tightly. For a moment everyone was quiet.

"Thank you mom." whispered Cassidy against Miranda's chest.

"For what?"

"For yesterday." Caroline answered quietly.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I have to thank you. You two are my little sunshines and I love you more than you'll ever know."

"I love you too mommy." they said at the same time.

"So now we have to get you two ready for school and I have to go work. What do you want for breakfast?"

They both looked at her with their prettiest smile and said in sync "Chocolate cake!"

I'm sorry it took me so long to update but I was on vacation without my laptop :( But I had a lot of new ideas that I'm gonna write down now and hopefully upload soon :D

So now here's the next part. Hope you like it. Thank you so much for all the votes on the previous chapters <3

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