Chapter 10

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Melody Bloom the Serial Marriage Killer. I didn’t come up with that name. No, that was the name of the entire website dedicated to documenting the personality of Melody Bloom. It turns out I’m not the only one who dislikes this girl. There’s quite a few who don’t like her in actual fact. I guess you don’t need me to tell you that it didn’t make a very comforting read.

The documentation started of with her school days. Apparently even as a child she was a cow. At school she was the manipulative bully making perfectly innocent people’s lives a misery for no apparent reason. They’ve interviewed a few of her victims to verify that she was in fact a bully and they’ve all gone into great detail describing how cruel she could be. Turns out she is your classic example of the pathetic schoolyard bully; putting others down to make herself look good. But the most notable aspect of her school days was that she was renowned for not only dating her best friend’s old boyfriends but she was also renowned for stealing people’s actual boyfriends and it’s a downhill slope from there. It’s rumoured she only got the part in her first film because she was dating the recently divorced director. It’s also rumoured that Melody was the cause of the divorce. She then went through a series of boyfriends like wildfire; on the bright side none of those boyfriends were stolen just short-lived. But then just after her rise to fame she ran off with a happily married man again giving her the name ‘Melody Bloom the Serial Marriage Killer.’ Reading all that caused my head to throb with a tirade of panic stricken questions and the quickness in which I gained astronomical amounts of distaste for one person made me feel dizzy. Clutching my spinning head and drawing my eyes up, I then read the last paragraph on the page. ‘Melody is currently filming a new film with the recently engaged Ollie Daniels. Let’s just hope history doesn’t repeat itself.’ Those two tiny sentences tipped me over the edge. Within two seconds I’ve made a drastic, crazy decision. There was something I have to do. Of course there area few things I need to sort out first and I ambitiously decide a day is enough time. This is so crazy I don’t even want to think about what I’m doing. Rather stupidly I’ve stopped listening to the rational thoughts and allowed pure craziness to take the reins. My fingers are buzzing with anticipation as they strike the keyboard while I madly start making my plans. All rational thinking has at this point gone out the window. I have finally lost it.

I can’t believe just how easy it was to put my plans into action. Something so insane shouldn’t be so easy to pull off. But the plans have been made all I need to do now is inform people of what I’m doing. So here I am marching into my office with a desperate determination; I have precisely one day to sort this. I’ve never been this early before in all my time working here. I even beat Kate in which is a first. It seems weird walking in to work and not hearing her cheery welcome. I throw all my things down on the desk with a clatter and then set of in a half walk/half jog down the corridor in order to catch my boss in time. She seems quite alarmed when I suddenly appear at her door panting slightly with a shine of resolve glittering in my eyes. I must have terrified her. I then gabble a response so desperate that it hardly makes any sense at all. But with a little bit of deciphering and a secondary calmer explanation from me she is perfectly happy with my proposal and with that everything is pretty much sorted which is quite frankly alarming. I didn’t think I was going to actually go through with this. Too late now I guess.

I daren’t tell Kate, Mandy or Emmie my plans, not until the last second. I know they would talk me out of it straight away. Even Mandy, the craziest, most adventurous and rebellious friend I have, would tell me that I am making a huge mistake. So I kept my mouth shut all day and pretended that everything was normal. It’s only now that I’m leaving for home that I have to tell everyone. “Hey Kate,” I greet nervously. I’ve got all my things gathered in my arms ready to make a dash for the exit the second I’ve told her what I’m up to. I’m not taking any risks here. “Hey,” she replies while rifling through her drawer for her keys not picking up on my tone at all. “So I’m off, I just need to tell you something first,” I continue. At this she stops rifling and looks up quizzically. “I won’t be in for a while. I’m going to America to visit Ollie. I don’t know how long I’ll be so just carry on without me,” I explain quickly before scurrying off as quickly as possible.

“What? Izzie has this got something to do with Melody?” she calls after me.

“No not at all,” I reply as breezily as possible while racing down the corridor. “Izzie?” I hear Kate’s voice call in confusion but luckily for me the elevator has already binged shut. Safe.

The whole way home my phone has been buzzing constantly. I’m guessing Kate has spread the news to Mandy and Emmie. It’s only fair to answer all the messages to tell them what is going on. So the first thing I do after getting home and putting down my things is reluctantly and with great trepidation get out my phone and open up my messages. There are quite a few messages from Kate, Mandy and Emmie all in astounded shock that overnight I have decided to go to America. When I say quite a few, I mean thousands upon thousands each text as desperate and as confused as the last. Realising this is going to take me a while I flop down on the sofa and make myself comfortable before reading each and everyone of the texts. After what seems an eternity I have managed to make my way through all the texts and sent one reply each briefly telling them I’m going to be fine and to stop worrying. I know it’s not much seen as I’m disappearing of to a whole other continent at the drop of a hat. But I really don’t know what to tell them. I’m struggling to justify my actions to myself. I agonise over my replies for a while before deciding to start packing.

I’ve only just started to pack when my phone goes off again. As much as I want to ignore this phone call I know I can’t. With a loud sigh I pick it up and accept the call. “Izzie what are you doing?” Emmie asks down the phone the second I press the accept call button. She doesn’t sound too impressed making me gulp with fear. “I’m going to America to visit my fiancé who I haven’t seen in weeks,” I reply matter-of-factly. I’m trying to make this situation sound as normal as possible but I don’t think I’m doing a good job. “Are you sure you’re not freaking out over Melody still?” she questions again reading straight through my pretence. God she’s good. “Only a little,” I lie.

“Izzie this is ridiculous,” Emmie informs me.

“What I’m not allowed to go visit my soon to be husband?” I ask curtly.

“But you’re not going to visit him are you? You’re going to keep an eye on him,” Emmie counters.

“Emmie I’m really worried about all this and I know this isn’t normal. It’s an obsession and I know. So I’m going to prove to myself that there is nothing to worry about, okay? Then I can get all this behind me. I don’t want to feel suspicious of Ollie anymore,” I explain.

“Okay,” Emmie sighs down the phone, backing down to my surprise.

“And if the man stealer is after my fiancé…,” I continue.

“Izzie!” Emmie exclaims in exasperation.

“I said if!” I protest.

“Fine, just call me when you get there so I know you’re okay,” Emmie concludes.

“Yeah, I definitely will,” I respond. Without even thinking I had justified dropping everything and running to America; I am going to see for myself that this crazy paranoia is all in my head. Suddenly I don’t feel so ridiculous or so guilty about this anymore. Tomorrow I am going to America so I can get back to normal. Tomorrow I am going to see Ollie. Tomorrow I am returning to sanity.


A/N: I'm really sorry for how slowly I'm updating. I'm in my last year if sixth form so things are pretty hetic and if I want to go to uni next year I need to study hard! So please don't lose hope in me. I'm trying to update as quickly as possible and I'm not being lazy or giving up on this story. I really appreciate all of your support. One extra vote or comment or fan really makes my day so thank you very much. I really love getting feedback and reading what you think about the story, the characters, the plot e.t.c. Thanks for putting up with me!

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