Chapter 14

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Ever since we set off from LA airport all those hours ago I have been desperate to get off this plane. I know it’s entirely unrealistic but I’ve got it into my head that the second I step foot on English soil all the problems which have been gathering up over the last couple of weeks are going to fade away into obscurity. After all I’ve been through over the passed couple of weeks can you really blame me for a bit of optimism? I just want to find away to make everything okay again. “Are you sure there is nothing I can get you?” one of the flight attendants asks me for the hundredth time.

“Some iced water would be nice, thanks,” I reply just to get him to leave me alone really. I don’t actually want anything. “Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?” whispers Ollie into my ear.

“No,” I answer him defiantly. I’m sick of people asking me if I’m sure I don’t want to eat. If I had wanted something I would have bloody well asked for it.  “Okay,” he replies. He sounds really disappointed. I hate his reaction to whenever I turn down food. It makes me feel awful. He doesn’t understand that I’m losing weight for him, to keep us together. I know he must be ashamed of how overweight I am. He keeps telling me that I look pale and unwell so clearly I am not doing enough. I’ll just have to work even harder. When I get home I am going to start exercising more. I’ll walk to work from now on. Go to the gym more. Maybe take up swimming. I just have to do something to get this fat off me. I’ve been drinking a lot of water lately. It fills me up and yet I don’t gain any wait. I’m actually pretty hungry right now. I quickly pick up my book to distract me from the thought of food and immerse myself in the pages.

A couple of hours later the pilot finally announces that we are drawing closer to London. I immediately prepare myself for landing. I stop reading my book mid sentence. I pack everything away into my bag and leave it ready to collect by my feet. I put my seat into the upright position and everything else they tell you to do. “You do realise we are not going to land for another ten minutes,” Ollie reminds me. “I know, it’s just good to be prepared,” I reply. He was right though. We are no where near close to landing. I’m regretting packing my book away now. With nothing left to do I fidget in my seat and stare longingly out the window.

The tiny dots that used to look like ants are now distinguishable as cars. We’re getting close. The pilot has now asked everyone else to prepare for landing. I am now itching with anticipation. With relief I feel the plane begin to lose height rapidly. The plane finally hits the ground with a thud and now all I have to do is wait for the plane to finally come to a stop. I practically run off the plane and let out an audible sigh of relief when my feet hit the floor. “Come on then, lets go home,” Ollie says while grabbing my hand and leading me through the airport. Everything was going to be alright now. We were home. Safe. Away from all the problems LA caused. I am now free to have the perfect wedding to the man I love and there is nothing to get in the way of that now. We arrived home and I went straight to bed without dinner. I was too tired I just wanted to get straight to bed.

There’s nothing like waking up in the morning after a long time away in the warmth of your own bed. I almost didn’t want to leave. But I told my boss I would be back to work today. I just wanted to get back to normality as quickly as possible. “Do you really have to go to work?” Ollie asks as he feels me stir.

“Yes, I promised I would,” I answer him.

“Are you sure you can’t just stay here with me?” he questions again kissing me on the neck.

“Nope,” I answer while untangling himself from his arms.

“Five more minutes?” he begs.

“No, I’m getting up,” I persist.

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